Gotham: Fish Mooney is Back!
Fish Mooney is back, Gotham! Need we say more? Well, probably. Fish is a prop in Dr. Strang’es research experiments to bring the dead back to life. But he’s been hitting the wall since his reanimated corpses can’t remember who they are. Up till now, we thought he just wanted to give the restored dead god-like personas, but apparently, that is not his end game, though he would like to think it is. The secret council wants the subjects to have restored memories.
Then when Fish is revived and Dr. Strange asks her if she remembers who she is and then tries to give her a new identity, she has the perfect attitude and reply: “My name is Fish Mooney, bitch. And you better tell me what the hell is going on.” She had Dr. Strange shaking in his white coat a little. Finally, someone who will be able to take Dr. Strange down a peg.
But then she’s locked in a cell while Dr. Strange and Peabody figure out what to do with her. When an orderly brings her food, Fish touches his arm, it glows red and she tells him to make her a grilled cheese sandwich. And voila! He brings her back a grilled cheese sandwich. Fish has always had the ability to manipulate, but this is different even for her. A side effect of being brought back, most likely, but what does it mean?
Other highlights from the episode “A Legion of Horribles.”
- When Selina rescue mission to Arkham to save her old friend Bridget, now known as Firefly, fails, she manages to stay alive by convincing Firefly that the goddess of fire needs a servant.
Gordon, Fox and Bruce concoct a scheme to get into Arkham to help Bruce rescue Selina, you know, since he was the one the sent her there in the first place. Alfred gives Bruce the “I’m-not-mad-but-disappointed-speech” because he told Bruce not to get Selina involved. But I don’t really think it registered to Bruce, he needs to be a man and see this through. Of course, this plan ends up with them all being held captive by Dr. Strange.
- And…Nygma is now working for the doctor. The riddler traded information on Gordon to escape a cell with a cannibal roommate. As he tells Bruce and Fox before filling their room full of gas, Nygma can do what he has to without his conscious getting in the way. Looks like he’s found the right line of work for his crazy self.
Harvey Bullock, acting captain of the GCPD, not good at press conferences and uses his power to form a swat team to rescue Gordon, Bruce and Fox from Arkham, with Alfred at his heels. I may have other motives in mind, but I’d follow Bullock anywhere!
Let’s see how it all plays out in next week’s season finale.