WYNONNA EARP: Why I Tune In Each Week
I haven’t been very good about recapping Syfy’s Wynonna Earp each week. Real life obstacles happened and my mind has been elsewhere. However, I have been watching and enjoying this show. Let me share 7 reasons why I watch and what keeps me coming back for more.
- Teamwork. I’m talking about the team of Dolls and Wynonna. I look forward to each episode knowing that I’m going to see the best duo on TV with Wynonna and Dolls. His straightman to her sass is pure entertainment.
- Waverly. Sure, she can be the annoying little sister and she makes some really bad decisions, but let’s accentuate the positives. She’s smarter than the average bear when it comes to all things Earp and Purgatory. She’s fearless to a fault. Thanks goodness Wynonna and Doc are there to save her keister.
- Speaking of Doc Holliday. He’s a smooth-talking, fast-shooting, womanizing gambler, but he’s easy on the eyes (very easy!) and now that Wynonna knows he’s really Doc Holliday, I’m looking forward to how this relationship develops.
- Bobo. This dude terrifies me because he’s a soft-spoken demon but he literally oozes power. His ultimate goal is to find a way to break out of Purgatory, and the thought of Bobo and his minions roaming the world is chilling.
- The Peacemaker. It’s the most beautiful piece of weaponry I’ve ever seen. Economical too, since it apparently needs no bullets. But the best part is watching that tiny little girl wield it like a boss.
- Location, location…I love the scenery we are treated to each episode. Wynonna Earp is filmed in Calgary and I’ve never been there, but this show has me packing my bags and plotting my tour. I kinda want to live in Purgatory. Except for the demons and spooky stuff.
- The mythology. The tale of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and the gunfight at the O.K. Corral is well known, but it’s interesting to see these characters in a different setting. Part of Wyatt’s mystique was that in all his encounters, he alone walked away unscathed. It’s no surprise that something like that would spark the imagination.
As long as the writers of Wynonna Earp stick to what they’ve been doing, I’m tuning in every week. It’s entertainment at its best. It’s got laughs, terrors, mysteries and even heart sometimes. It’s the perfect way to end a difficult work week and get us pumped for the weekend. It’s why you too, should tune in on Friday nights at 10/9c. Are you with me?