NiceGirls Discuss #TeamLucifer aka CHLOE! Get a Freaking CLUE!
Lucifer avoiding Chloe is hysterical and adorable. What is your favorite part of that interaction and the fact she might be part angel?
Mynda: I love how he is treating Chloe as if she is ‘tainted!’ It looks like my earlier theory of Chloe being a Nephilim may be correct!
Leah: Her continued frustration at him keeping his distance made me chuckle. I like that she may be part angel. It would be a plausible explanation. I think Mynda put that thought out there weeks ago. The Nephilim are the children of fallen angels.
Stacey: I loved the scene where he was walking behind her, like that was actually going to help the situation. I’m into the idea of her being part angel. I fully support Mynda’s theory.
Melissa: Good call, Mynda! It appears that Chloe is unaware of her possible angelic origins, however. Is that our season 2 arc, Chloe coming to terms with not just Lucifer being exactly who he says he is but also her own ancestry?
Lisa: I thought it was hilarious how he wouldn’t get in the car with her! Luci was shaken up and it was too funny. When he made her take off her shirt to check for wing scars I was cracking up! Who knew a paranoid Luci could provide so much comic relief.
Favorite line or interaction of the night?
Mynda: Lucifer and Trixie ALWAYS steal the show!
Leah: Lucifer to Malcolm after Malcolm winked at him, “The wink with the porn stash is sending the wrong message, I think. ”
Stacey: I mean, any scene with Trixie is always the best.
Melissa: The fight between Amenadiel and Lucifer. We’ve been building up to it for weeks. It was satisfyingly physical as well as emotionally revealing both with regards to their own relationship and how Maze fits into this dysfunctional trio. Although Malcolm cockily informing Amanadiel that he’s #TeamLucifer made me laugh.
The fight between Amenadiel and Lucifer was long overdue. Maze throwing water on their fire by quitting was perfect. Thoughts?
Mynda: I think they should fight EVERY episode!
Leah: Loved the fight…the accusations and realizations they were throwing were just as effective as the punches.
Stacey: That fight scene was great and longggg overdue.
Melissa: Indeed, that fight has been simmering since before we even met Amenadiel and Lucifer. I have two brothers, I’ve seen this firsthand, and I believe after exorcising their demons (ha!) with a full on brawl, they’ll come out of it with a stronger bond.
Lisa: Finally! I’ve been waiting to see them kick each other’s ass for what seems like forever. This fight scene did not disappoint. Maze was just the icing on the cake.
Do you think Maze really quit?
Mynda: Nah.
Leah: Nah…she may want to, but she wouldn’t really.
Stacey: She’s done being in the middle for sure. That scene proved she cares for both of them at this point. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next with that trio.
Melissa: I think she forced the brothers to take a good, hard look at their animosity and come to an understanding that they do actually care about and for each other. She’ll be back. P.S. She was Amanadiel’s first! I knew it!
Lisa: Maybe for now, not forever. She is over both of them and rightfully so.
Anyone else OVER Chloe’s continued blindness with Lucifer’s true identity?
Mynda: At this point CAPTAIN OBVIOUS even gets it! Come on already!
Leah: Yes! A thousand times yes. Drives me crazy.
Stacey: Ha. Yes. But I guess I sort of feel like the skeptic is necessary?
Melissa: I really thought she was finally listening, truly listening, to Lucifer this time. He was revealing some deep hurts, some real betrayals, and she missed it. Granted, there were multiple dead bodies to distract her, but COME ON CHLOE GET A CLUE!
Lisa: Oh God! She needs to get a clue. Wake up Chloe! She is starting to annoy me with that.
Why does Lucifer continue to prevent Chloe from seeing his demon eyes/face/form?
Mynda: He is afraid of her reaction.
Melissa: That would convince her for sure. Is he afraid that seeing his true form would be so repulsive to her that she might believe who he is but never want to see him again? Will being forced to go back to Hell in front of her take that choice out of his hands? IS IT MONDAY YET?
Stacey: I think showing people his real face drives them a little mad. He cares for Chloe and doesn’t know what reaction he’ll get from her.
Lisa: I agree with Mel & Stacey. He definitely doesn’t want Chloe to see his face because it would totally freak her out. He can tell her he’s the devil until he’s blue in the face, but once she sees that scary face, she’s out and he knows it.
What is up with Malcolm killing all those people?
Melissa: If Malcolm really is the one who killed all three people in this episode (which I’m not sure I believe), what’s his motive for framing Lucifer? He had a chance to kill him already but bargained for the coin instead. I think someone, or something, else is controlling Malcolm.
Stacey: My theory is its another demon from hell in Malcolm’s body – which might be why Lucifer has to go back to hell. And if any of this is true, Amenadiel knows about it.
Melissa: YES! “TAKE ME BACK TO HELL”! Good call, Stacey. This episode was frustratingly abrupt in its ending, but I have to say that I’m glad we got a cliffhanger this week to prepare us for whatever they’re going to lay on us in next week’s finale. Thank goodness it’s just a season finale, though, not the series finale. #TeamLucifer
Lisa: Also, can we please get a Lucifer soundtrack? They always have the best music on this show. Every week I rock out to a song at some point. I love the opening credit song too.