LUCIFER: “St. Lucifer” Roundtable
In this week’s already-renewed-for-season-2 episode of Lucifer, our handsome antihero toyed with philanthropy after experiencing a “high” when he did the right thing and declined to take advantage of a drunk Chloe in the previous episode. We also learned more about Malcolm’s trip to Hell, Lucifer discovered Amenadiel’s plan, an unlikely pair found each other, and the mystery of Chloe’s effect on Lucifer deepened.
First things first, what did you think about the revelation that being near Chloe negates Lucifer’s immortality? Any theories about why?
Leah: You let people in and that changes you. Chloe has an effect on Lucifer’s mental and physical state. They have a closeness that drops all of Lucifer’s guards.
Melissa: We suspected there was something special about her since she didn’t fall under Lucifer’s “hypnotizing eye thing”, but what? There must be something supernatural about her, right? I Googled what types of beings could turn an immortal into a mortal, but all I got was ways for mortals to become immortal. Internet, you have failed me.
Stacey: I’ve suspected this for awhile. But, I defer to Mynda here – she had a theory as to why Chloe was immune to him, which I think pertains to this as well.
Lisa: I had a feeling it was going to have something to do with her and his feelings for her. Luci is falling in love for the first time and it’s giving him all kinds of feels. I think that his love for her is warming his heart and making him more human which cancels out the whole immortality thing. Is it possible for the devil to become human for good?
Chloe admitted that she preferred the “old Lucifer” and told him she thinks there is something more between them than just work. Will they defy expectation and actually get together this season?
Leah: I say no….we had the drunken come-on so now we have to wait until next season for anything to happen. Thank goodness there is going to be a second season!
Melissa: I really don’t know how this will play out. Now that Lucifer has confirmed that Chloe is literally his mortal weakness, I wonder if he’s going to back off and try to avoid her out of self-preservation, or if he’ll continue to be drawn toward her in spite of himself.
Stacey: I think no. Or maybe yes? And them getting together will be what sends him back to hell- because is anyone else feeling like Lucifer will actually be going back to Hell at the end of this first season??? Especially now that he’s given up his coin – which he clearly needed if he wanted to get out again…
Lisa: I think the progression of their non-work relationship is going at a good pace. I don’t want to see them get together too soon because I enjoy the chase on his part. I hope it will as least be next season before they get together.
Dan heard a compelling description of Hell from Malcolm and witnessed Lucifer not die. Malcolm clearly believes that Lucifer is the Devil; do you think Dan will be the next to accept the truth?
Leah: I can see Dan being the next believer. I can’t see him liking it though and I bet he fights what he knows/saw.
Melissa: Dan looked so sad and horrified when he found Lucifer “dead” on the floor; that surprised me given their antagonistic relationship. Once the shock of everything that happened – I’m still trying to work out the logistics of the kidnapping myself, BTW – wears off, I think Dan will have some serious questions for Lucifer.
Stacey: Yes. But I’m wondering what that revelation will actually do to Dan. I’m not sure he’ll be able to handle what he just saw. I mean the last guy who saw Lucifer get shot and survive is now in a mental institution, isn’t he? At least he’s rocking a strait jacket.
Lisa: I think Dan definitely will be the next one to accept the truth. He’s not there yet but he knows something is up.
Amandiel and Maze hooked up. Thoughts?
Leah: Amenadiel is just the most hypocritical angel…..sleeping with Maze. Sure seems like one more rung on his descent to hell.
Melissa: So. Many. Questions. Can we make their couple name AmMazing? Is this further evidence that Amenadiel has free will? Is he becoming a devil as Lucifer becomes an angel? Does he feel guilty? Was he a virgin? I find myself needing an Amenadiel-centric episode. They keep giving us little teases about his personality & character (“you know that story about Lucifer and the goat?”), but we really don’t know a lot about him. And I’m very curious about the repercussions of him getting involved with Maze. For both of them.
Stacey: Bahahahaha and Hmmmm.
Lisa: Umm. Yeah. No words. She must have enjoyed herself because her hair was a hot mess when she got out of the car. Ha!
Who is your MVP for this episode?
Leah: I’m going with Lucifer. He had some good revelations this week.
Melissa: Tom Ellis – he was in fine form as Lucifer gleefully teased Chloe, explored the “high” of being a good person, expressed surprise and bemusement that he survived being shot, and experienced the shock of confirming Chloe’s effect on his immortality.
Stacey: I’m gonna go with Chloe this week.
Lisa: Usually I say Luci, but this week I’d like to give a shout out to 2 actors that guest starred in this episode who I love. Dorian Missick (the lawyer) and Michael Welch (Kyle). They both gave great performances and I was excited to see them. I’ve met them both several times (one of whom I’ve sang karaoke with more than once lol) and they are both top notch.
Lucifer airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX. Our thoughts on the matter post Tuesdays right here on NGTV.