AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: “Spacetime” {Roundtable}
Jan couldn’t make it this week so we’re trying to make due without her.
1. Much of this episode focused on the idea of spacetime and if it’s possible to change the future. If you’re familiar with other concepts of time travel, how does Fitz’s explanation fit in with your understanding?
Liz: xcjngoierh;xv hucv4u975922wmlv uziza345g bigv8 That’s about how well I comprehend time travel. LOL!
Rueben: Well, I understood the rudiments of what Fitz said, but I think I understand the time travel from Terminator and/or Doctor Who better. Regardless, it’s clear that messing with time has consequences; and in this case, I’m just relieved that none of the SHIELD team were lost because of Daisy’s visions.
Roz: Well, I got the fourth dimension part, but I think I followed more of Fitz’s explanation because of Doctor Who. But I’m also sitting here wondering how all this fits if this Inhuman is really a precognitive person. I think I’m just getting annoyed at all the specific powers that Inhumans have that are also powers that the dreaded M word have (and that we can’t discuss for stupid reasons).
2. Andrew came back before he finally turned into Lash for the final time. Do you think that May should have stayed to witness the transformation or should she have gone on with her mission?
Liz: I’m happy that she remained with Andrew. This was a way to end their relationship permanently. It was well done, just like the farewell for Bobbi and Hunter. Also, Andrew was able to convey something very important that I think May will remember when needed: the fact that Lash is there for something other than what they are fighting right now. Something bigger. Personally, I still maintain that he is the answer to fighting Hive.
Rueben: I think it was right that she stayed behind because, like Coulson said, she would have regretted not being there for her last moments with Andrew. I have to agree with Liz that there is a bigger plan for Lash; and only time will tell just what he’ll be used for.
Roz: I’m glad May stayed, but it’s been a rough season of watching people we’ve come to know leaving right and left. She had been so focused on him that I think had she gone, it would have gone poorly.
3. Not!Ward is one scary guy, but so is Malick with that hand. Which is the bigger threat right now? Why?
Liz: Both of these characters absolutely terrify me. And now, Malick is terrified himself. He’s had a taste of the power that he so desperately craved, but Hive (let’s just call him that, shall we?) is much more powerful. Malick knows this. Malick is definitely a threat, however Hive is unstoppable. Apparently.
Rueben: Hive/Not!Ward is extremely dangerous and short of them cutting off his head, I don’t think he can be stopped. Frankly, I’m not even sure his losing his head would stop him. As for Malick, he is unhinged now that he’s gotten his new “power”. I’m not sure who is worse. Right now, they might be dead even.
Roz: Can’t I just wish that someone could kill both Hive/Not!Ward and Malick at the same time? I think that solves my problems with both of them nicely.
4. If you have one, who is your MVP of the episode?
Rueben: I’d have to say it’s a tie between Daisy and May. Between the repeated practice rounds by May and the team and actually watching Daisy take down all those armed men, they both earned the title.
Roz: I think it goes to Daisy, but it’s a close class to me because of how much she wanted the team to be prepared for what she had seen before.
5. What is your favorite scene of the episode?
Liz: The goodbye scene with Andrew and May. This show really knows how to bring out all the feels and they didn’t fail this time either. You never see May cry. That’s the hardest part. Also, when Coulson was talking about “Terminator” and Lincoln said he didn’t see it. “You’re off the team.” Classic Coulson!
Rueben: You read my mind, Liz. It was hard to watch those last moments between Andrew and May, but it was necessary to see it all. And to finally see a little bit of emotion out of May was quite extraordinary. And, I nearly choked on laughter when Lincoln told Coulson he never saw the original Terminator. It was the right amount of levity that we needed.
Roz: Let’s just make it that one. I can’t think of much else.
Closing Thoughts
Liz: I don’t know why again we’re not talking about it, but Daisy’s last flash-forward was the same scene from the opening of this season of SHIELD. A view from outer space, from inside some spaceship, a cross necklace floating around (didn’t we see Yo-Yo wearing one of those?), panning out to a SHIELD emblem on the arm of a jacket that someone is wearing. What is that all about? Who is that? And since it was Daisy’s vision, we can assume that she is there. Is the ship approaching or departing Earth?
Also, when Malick’s assistant, Mr. Giyera, asked Hive if he should kill all agents he sees, Hive tells him, “Only the human ones.” Is Hive trying to rebuild what he destroyed on that planet? A world full of nothing but Inhumans? That is a very interesting development.
Roz: Here’s where I hate, again, on all the ways that Marvel’s comics properties are in the hands of two studios. The power of our central focus this week would be great if there were other precognitive people in the world, not just one or two special people who are given the power for a reason. It’s just sad that we can’t have someone like Irene Alder around who isn’t able to show someone the exact future, but a possible future.
Feature image: ABC/Kelsey McNeal.