BLINDSPOT: “Any Wounded Thief” {Roundtable}
“Got one….” as the episode says and it seems that the show continues to try and pull one over on the viewers time and time again.
See what the Nice Girls think of this week’s episode of Blindspot.
1. So one of the themes early on was how relationships can and do change quickly. What do you make of David’s reservation and Reade’s break-up and Weller’s reaction?
Roz: I rather like them as a way to show that we should care more about the team as individuals than the cases they solve. David, I fear, is going to haunt the show from his grave for a long time.
Cay: I was kind of hoping that David had set up some sort of a puzzle for Patterson, and maybe he has. I kind of expected they would get back to the library and the book messages a bit sooner, but maybe that was a dead end after he died. This episode definitely humanized Patterson more. As for Reade and Weller’s sister, whatever, that plotline doesn’t do much for me either way. It feels like the rather cliched “I can’t be with you because my life is too dangerous” kind of thing.
Liz: Weller was being a jerk toward Reade. I really understood Reade when he said, “I just can’t win with you.” What did Weller think was going to happen if Reade broke up with Sarah when He wanted him to? Sarah would have been hurt then as well as now, so why the anger at Reade’s breaking it up?
2. How do you feel about Jane’s flashback?
Roz: Given how much she does end up appreciating her mother’s necklace, I think they work well, but I worry about how long Taylor’s been planning these tattoos and her ultimate goal.
Cay: The pieces are really starting to come together and I’m expecting a big reveal before the season ends, likely related to Patterson’s idea of seeing what all the tattoo cases have in common. The necklace showed Jane how long and how deeply Weller has been caring for her.
Liz: For a minute there it looked like her mother sort of recognized her. I wonder if she did but kept it to herself thinking that she saw what she so desperately wanted to see. It was also interesting to see that Oscar was with Jane at the “funeral” for Taylor. That has to go in Oscar’s favor for Jane and her trust issues.
3. This case seems very much about the evils of government control. Is this too far a stretch for the reaches of terrorism?
Roz: I don’t think so, and I actually appreciate that the terrorism (and the case) took a back-seat to the emotional and romantic relationships in the team. If it had been a straight terrorism case, I might have just tutted and sighed heavily for being redundant.
Cay: Disturbing that our own people were doing this, thinking they were working for the greater good (the motivation of this seemed like a stretch, though!). Although I had to appreciate a “big bad” that for once wasn’t Muslim.
4. Patterson’s really feeling David’s death on this anniversary. It also is Taylor’s birthday. Should we read too much into how much drama is associated with one day?
Roz: I don’t think so, but there’s also a party of me that thinks there’s nothing as a coincidence for this show and that we’ll find out how critical both of those facts are in the finale.
Cay: I’m not reading anything into either. The birthday thing was just to be another shock to Jane’s system and to show how much Weller cares…right before making it clear that he’s back with his ex. So, it’s emotional manipulation in both cases. David’s death may plan into the main plot, but I don’t think Taylor’s birthday matters.
Liz: I don’t read anything into it.
5. Which do you see being a bigger problem for the team: David solving one more tattoo or Jane sleeping with Oscar? Why?
Roz: Oscar’s the biggest worry I have because I can’t tell what he wants or how he’s trying to accomplish Taylor’s original job.
Cay: Oscar – what will she do if her loyalties become really divided? Anything could happen!
Liz: I think the bigger problem for the team is the fact that they are all dabbling in things that could fracture the team. Reade was threatened from persons unknown for looking into Carter’s disappearance and now he’s bearing that burden alone. Weller has already caused problems when he interfered in Reade and Sarah’s relationship. Tasha goes back to her gambling. Patterson is seeing and talking to a dead guy. I think that Jane sleeping with her one-time fiancé is the least of their problems.
Blindspot airs on Mondays at 10PM Eastern, 9 Central on NBC.