ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Med 1×12, Chicago Fire 4×17 & Chicago P.D. 3×19 recap
It feels like a while since we’ve had all three ONE CHICAGO shows air new episodes in the same week but it finally happened this week and there was a lot happening with the ladies of Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D.. Read on to find out what went on…
Sharon Goodwin: Once again there is no rest for the chief administrator this week, with the demands of her job at full capacity – Dr Halstead’s lawsuit is still ongoing, her department’s psychologist is also undergoing dramas with a fellow patient, her head ER nurse gets arrested (to which Sharon pays a visit to Chicago P.D.‘s Hank Voight to see if he can clear the charges but he can’t) and there’s also a suspected case of child abuse, which she has to report to child services. Like I said, full capacity. Thankfully most of these issues are solved by the episode’s end, but wow what a week!

CHICAGO MED — “Guilty” Episode 112 — Pictured: Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: I’ve said upon many occasions that I wish that Maggie would get a storyline because Marlyne Barrett shines in every scene she is in week after week, no matter how big or small. This week the show delivered when the ER nurse gets arrested after standing her ground and refusing to violate hospital policy by drawing blood from a patient who has just been admitted and is suspected of DUI. Maggie is held at the police station for awhile as there is a hold up with her being processed. When she finally is released, Dr Rhodes steps in to pick her up in place of Sharon, who was caught up in another hospital emergency. The trauma fellow reveals to Maggie that he was once like the young patient that was admitted and that unfortunately it took a not-so-happy ending to be his wake up call.

CHICAGO MED — “Guilty” Episode 112 — Pictured: Yaya DaCosta as Nurse April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton: After Maggie is taken away in handcuffs, April steps up to makes sure the ER runs as smoothly as it can in the head nurse’s absence. When Maggie is finally released, it’s safe to say April is pretty happy.
Dr Natalie Manning: When a single mother and her six-month-old daughter come into Gaffney Chicago Med, after running a few tests Nat suspects that the baby’s injuries are a result of Shaken Baby Syndrome and shares her concerns with Sharon. The chief administrator asks the doctor if she is absolutely sure that it’s not anything else before she reports the case to child services and Nat says she is. Shortly after this, the baby’s records come through to the doctor and she realises that she was in the wrong. The mother is not happy to see Dr Manning to say the least and accuses her of judging her, which the doctor later admits is true.

CHICAGO MED — “Guilty” Episode 112 — Pictured: (l-r) Oliver Platt as Dr. Daniel Charles, Rachel DiPillo as Dr. Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sarah Reese: As Sarah tends to a patient that was hit by a car, Dr Charles suspects that there’s a deeper issue and that the man is actually depressed and was attempting to commit suicide. He ends up putting the patient in a psych hold despite the man’s threats that he’d launch a lawsuit against him and so he backs off. It takes the young med student giving him a bit of tough love in his office for the psychiatrist (who we later find out is also suffering from depression) to go back to the patient and do his job. In the end the patient breaks down and admits that Dr Charles is right.

CHICAGO FIRE — “What Happened to Courtney” Episode 417 — Pictured: (l-r) Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: The end is near for Casey’s Alderman campaign and as his opponent continues to play dirty, Dawson doesn’t want to see her man give up without a fight and takes it upon herself to get the rest of the Firehouse to help encourage citizens to vote for Casey. When Alderman Becks sneakily arranges one last debate, one of which takes place during shift, Casey refuses to shrink from his firefighting responsibilities much to Dawson’s frustration and she vents during girl time with Brett and Kidd. (Anyone else crack up over her line about Al Gore?) Being committed to his job though seems to work in Casey’s favour when a heroic rescue is documented in the local press. At the end of the episode it’s revealed that Casey is the new Alderman and he and Dawson share a nice moment where he tells his girlfriend that he couldn’t have done it without her.

CHICAGO FIRE — “What Happened to Courtney” Episode 417 — Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Matt DeCaro as Sergeant DeLaney — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: During a girls session with Dawson and Kidd, we discover that Brett is not a fan of straight up vodka – it tastes like nail polish remover – and prefers it with flavour like bubble gum. While Kidd is skeptical, Dawson admits so was she originally but was over by the flavour and voila, so is Kidd! I loved that scene and hope we get to see more female bonding sessions on the show. I also hope Kidd sticks around – she’s a great fit. Other things I approve of – Brett’s braided hairstyles at the moment. They are on point! I love the way she wore her hair to Herrmann’s daughter’s birthday party this episode.

CHICAGO P.D. — “If We Were Normal” Episode 319 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: It might have taken three seasons for the two female leads of Chicago P.D. to finally get some proper scenes together (I’m referring to the locker room scene a couple of episodes ago), but I am glad that the writers aren’t leaving us high and dry and are actually continuing to give us scenes with Lindsay and Burgess. This week’s episode opens with the two cops meeting over coffee where Burgess wants Lindsay’s take on dating a partner. As you may recall, at the end of last week’s episode Burgess and her partner Roman went to a play together and it would appear things went well because now Burgess is confused about her feelings and wants Lindsay to tell her that it would be a bad idea to go down that road. What she’s forgetting is that Lindsay may not be the best person to ask seeing that she is dating her partner. (Side note, how great was it to see Sophia Bush play a more comedic and fun side to Lindsay during that scene? As much of an amazing dramatic actress she is, people forget that Sophia Bush can do comedy just as well too.) Burgess says that Lindsay and Halstead make it look so easy. Before they can continue the conversation any further, they get a call over the radio about a disturbance involving a young woman stabbing a man before fleeing the scene. This is the start of this week’s disturbing case about a man kidnapping troubled young women. He had held this particular woman hostage for two months and raped her, she stabbed him as she tried to flee. When she’s taken to hospital, it’s then revealed that she is pregnant, which then turns out to be part of his sick plan to start a family with his wife, whom he had also abducted and brainwashed seven years earlier! At the end of the episode, once the case is solved Lindsay and Halstead are at Molly’s discussing the Burgess/Ruzek/Roman situation, and she reveals that sometimes it is hard to work with him and be professional, especially when she has special outfits for him at home waiting to be worn. Cut back to steamy make outs happening in the apartment as the episode ends.

CHICAGO P.D. — “If We Were Normal” Episode 319 — Pictured: Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Kim Burgess: As mentioned, Burgess is now confused about her feelings for Roman and seeks advice from Lindsay. The situation is not helped when Roman is put on inventory duty and is trying to track down a missing laptop that was registered to Burgess’s ex fiance Ruzek. Ruzek keeps brushing Roman off and when he becomes sick of Roman pressuring him to find it, he finally snaps in the district foyer and accuses Roman of having feelings for Burgess even before they split and angrily gives him his blessing. After Ruzek storms off, Roman tries to talk to an embarrassed Burgess. She runs off into the back room and he follows her. As he apologises for her getting into the middle of it, she turns around and kisses him! Okay, I did not see that one coming.
Trudy Platt: With her wedding almost here, Platt goes on furlong and assigns Roman with getting the inventory done. Platt also invites Burgess to the wedding, but more so because she wants the young officer’s help. With no new Chicago P.D. episode next week, I’m sad that the wedding will only be confined to next week’s episode of Chicago Fire and not be a crossover event between the two shows! (I’m not asking for the wedding to be the sole focus of both shows, but it would be cute to at least have a reference to it in the following P.D. episode, so this couple of weeks hiatus sadly pops that idea.)
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c and Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c, all three air on NBC. New episodes of Chicago P.D. return April 27.