BLINDSPOT: “Rules in Defiance” {Roundtable}
Jane looked as though she wanted to quit the team, but then Zapata went undercover and everything went naturally pear-shaped.
Find out what the Nice Girls thought of this week’s Blindspot.
1. Looks like Leah’s wish from last week is for naught. Weller’s with his ex when we start the episode. How worried are you about that as it relates to Jane and Weller’s dynamic?
Roz: I think it’s all smoke and mirrors and some unnecessary drama for a show that already does so much each week to defy my usual conventions of what is and isn’t normal.
Lisa: I think Jane will be hurt when she finds out, but I’m not worried because Weller is still so into Jane. That’s why he is keeping his relationship with his ex from Jane. Either way I think they will be able to keep a professional relationship.
Liz: I’m not worried at all about it. I don’t really care about it. I just don’t think that this show should have any romantic storylines. There’s too much else happening.
Cay: I’m with Liz! I don’t watch the show for romance, I watch it for action. The need for all leading characters to hook up on every show is frustrating. Can’t women and men work together with or without some sexual tension without everyone feeling the need to ‘ship them?
2. I had an uneasy feeling when the tattoos lead to somewhere that steps on another agency’s toes. Does Patterson’s impulsiveness feel too good to be true at this point? If not, when did it stop being a lark that she was so good and turn into something potentially sinister.
Roz: I know we have to jump from some tattoos to others, but this tie-in felt a little too far fetched and cost another law enforcement agency help. But, Patterson has to follow what she has and also still use any extraneous outside sources.
Lisa: I don’t think there was anything sinister in Patterson’s findings. I think she is that good and I love it! She impresses me more and more each week.I get nervous too when they cross paths with other agencies. I’m sure this won’t be the last time.
Liz: Patterson was acting on a tip she got. I feel that if Jane had been there, she would have been able to steer them in the right direction based on what Oscar told her about the tattoo being “time sensitive”. Then they wouldn’t have made that mistake of interrupting the undercover op. I don’t see anything potentially sinister in Patterson’s findings.
Cay: I suspect it won’t be the last time that they cross paths with another agency and don’t make a good impression. Although we know that Jane was involved in the decision to tattoo and drug herself, we still don’t have any idea of the motive nor how whoever orchestrated the whole thing got their info in the first place. I’m not worried about Patterson, either.
3. Jane now wants to leave working with the FBI because she does feel like a mole to the team. It’s not a far stretch for her to make, but are you worried that she’ll follow through and never work with the team we’ve come to like again? Or is she planning something else that we’re just two steps behind on?
Roz: I don’t think she knows what she wants when the end of the day rolls around. She’s still unsure of herself (in both senses of the word) and that has to make all her choices even more difficult.
Lisa: I think she had her doubts and felt like an outsider when members of the team were so quick to believe that she was the mole. But she’s tough, and I don’t think she is done with the FBI yet. She’s got more things to accomplish.
Liz: I think that when Zapata told her that what they are able to accomplish because of Jane’s tattoos is much bigger than them, it put things into perspective for Jane. At the end of the episode, she opted to stay with the team and quit Oscar’s team, though now we know that she can’t.
Cay: I can’t see the show going into the direction that Jane is no longer working with the FBI. Because honestly, if she’s not working with them, she’s going to likely end up working against them, and it’s just not where I expect the show to go. It’s just a device to show us Jane’s emotional state.
4. Reade makes a great point about who in this team can have their personal lives affect the team. Is it just that Jane and Weller are special or should Reade be able to be sleep with Weller’s sister without repercussions?
Roz: I think Reade’s right to point out the double-standard that exists between Weller and Jane. Given that there’s already so many complicated relationships, I don’t see what adding one more in Reade and Weller’s sister will do.
Lisa: I totally agree with Reade. He should be able to date Weller’s sister without repercussions. Even though, at some point you know there will be conflict, it keeps it interesting. I actually like that Reade found love and might I point out that their scene in the shower was Hot!
Cay: I think any romantic relationships between team members or family members of the team are going to cause conflict, whether it’s direct, or because it will end up compromising a member of the team when someone uses the connection against them.
5. Even with Jane’s protesting, she still found a way to be part of the team. Despite her feelings, she still can’t leave the team behind. Has she found too much in common with the team so that leaving is impossible?
Roz: I think she’s found a place to belong and that’s more powerful than her sense of identity that she’s clinging to.
Lisa: I think the team is the closest thing she has to a family and she had made a bond with each team member in some way. Without them, she would be totally alone.
Cay: It’s all she really has – she either moves forward with the team, or goes with Oscar. I can’t see her striking out on her own with her current emotional state. The FBI is her “safe place” whether she feels like she completely belongs or not.
Liz: Again, I think that she changed her mind when Zapata made her see that there’s a bigger picture. And I think Zapata being in such huge danger showed Jane that she really is connected with them. Too much to leave them behind.
6. NO, READE! Discuss what you think his investigation means in the long-run.
Roz: I can’t even process where that’s going, but I worry so much about what can happen to him.
Lisa: Ugh! I can’t deal! I can’t even imagine what he will dig up. I just hope that it doesn’t ruin the team. I hope there is a huge twist at the end of that plot line.
Liz: I think his investigations are all going to lead up to what really happened to Jane and then the question of why will come up. I think that this ultimately is going to put Mayfair in the hot seat.
Cay: I’m not ready to speculate yet, will have to see what happens next!
Blindspot airs Mondays at 10PM Easter/9PM Central on NBC.