5 Reasons Why We Love “Blindspot’s” Jane Doe
NBC’s Blindspot has been one of the breakout hits for the network and it’s no secret that we Nice Girls are nuts about it too. With its return on February 29th, we’ve been talking about why we love the show’s main character, Jane Doe. Or is it Taylor Shaw?
Here are five reasons why we love Jane Doe:
- First of all, we love the mystery surrounding Jane. The tattoos alone produce a few questions, like why tattoo her body at all? How are they predicting events to come? How are they always right? How many meanings does even one tattoo have anyway? You probably have more.
- The first time Jane broke out in her fight mode, we were blown away. She can do some serious damage to a potential threat!
- If in fact it’s true that she orchestrated this whole plan to tattoo herself and be shipped off to the FBI, she’s not only tough and can hold her own in a fight, but she’s incredibly intelligent and a master strategist. I can’t even plan dinner!
- We love the contrast between hard-ass Jane and soft, vulnerable Jane. These and other qualities make for a complex character that keeps us interested.
- Finally, she’s got the three B’s working for her: beauty, brains and brawn. She could fall for Kurt Weller, but she certainly doesn’t need him.
We’re looking forward to watching Blindspot unravel this mystery woman as the rest of the season plays out. Just please, no more waterboarding. Gack!
We will also be back with our weekly roundtable discussion of each episode. We’d love for you to join us in the comments section!