A kidnapping with a twist, misguided attempts at picking up women, a glimpse of Lucifer’s true face, daddy issues, and lots of unexpected nudity for our favorite fallen angel and detective – this week’s episode of Lucifer plunged headfirst into some deep waters.
This week we saw Lucifer grappling with the concept of love versus lust. Do you think he’s starting to grasp the difference?
Melissa: Yes, but I think he’s still confused about which he feels for Chloe. It’s early for him to be in love, but he’s certainly beyond lust.
Mynda: Thanks to Dr. Linda if he doesn’t figure out the glaring neon Love sign, she will! However, the therapist may regret it later.
Leah: That’s a tough one for mere mortals to grasp….I think he may just be starting to scratch the surface…barely.
Stacey: Yes? No? Maybe a little bit? He had a lot of real moments with Chloe this week- where he actually “exposed” himself- in more ways than one.
Lisa: I do. I think that Lucifer is definitely starting to see the difference between love and lust, and is really struggling with those feelings. He is fighting love but his inner struggle is so entertaining to watch.
Chloe touched a nerve when she questioned Lucifer about the scars from his wings. The show has thrown us a lot of witticisms about Lucifer and his Father, but clearly their relationship is painful for Lucifer. How do you think that will play out?
Melissa: That was a heartbreaking moment! It makes me even more curious to know what happened between them (in this fictional universe), and it makes me think there may be hope for reconciliation.
Mynda: Actually seeing Luci’s heart will be painfully gorgeous! His words may be superficial, but those eyes were full of sorrow.
Leah: I truly have no idea. Often “children” don’t see the wisdom in a “parents” plan…Lucifer continuing to rebel will have to have consequences.
Stacey: I’m with Leah, I have no idea how this is going to play out. But like Mynda said, seeing the pain in his eyes… damn.
(wait… can I say damn? It’s kind of like a pun cause he’s the devil?)
Lisa: I’m really not sure where they will go with that story line. I do think it’s funny that Lucifer has “daddy issues” if you will. I’m looking forward to seeing where they take that story line and if we will ever see his father. Or maybe I should call him The Father.
Lucifer felt real pain and bled when Chloe shot him. Side effect of his new feelings for humans?
Melissa: It’s like his “magic” is wearing off and he’s becoming more human. Is it only around Chloe, though? Is it only because she is the one who shot him?
Mynda: Actually seeing Luci’s heart will be painfully gorgeous! His words may be superficial, but those eyes were full of sorrow
Leah: Lucifer has given Chloe more power than he realizes…despite hearing it from Dr. Linda. She has the power to hurt him, and she did.
Stacey: I agree with Leah, he’s given Chloe the power to hurt him on so many levels.
Lisa: I think so. I think all of the feelings and new sensations Lucifer is experiencing are giving him more human qualities. The fact that his brother is so worried about what is to come lets me know that there is a lot more to the story.
Maze stayed loyal to Lucifer in the face of Amenadiel’s many stoic charms, although he appeared at least a bit shaken by her. Who do you think will win in the war between the demon and the angel?
Melissa: Maze shook Amenadiel’s composure, that’s for sure. He’s more than a match for her physically, though. This should be fun to watch.
Mynda: When Maze taste-tested Amenadiel it freaked the Chocolate Angel out. He may be stronger, but Maze is freakier! And, that may make all the difference in the world!
Leah: I thought it was an interesting twist to have Amenadiel try to sway Maze. If Lucifer keeps upsetting her she may very well help Amenadiel.
Stacey: My money is on Maze.
Lisa: Honestly I would love to see Maze win for girl power purposes, but in the end good always wins over evil so I’m going to go with the angel.
Is Dr. Linda about to get stiffed on payment in a less than pleasurable way?
Melissa: Alas, I think Lucifer has made it clear that his interest in the good doctor is waning. Still, he’s made a point on more than one occasion that he always keeps his promises, so there is hope!
Mynda: Nah! As Luci says “My word is my bond.”
Leah: Poor Dr. Linda. She will have to get payment upfront in the future.
Stacey: Payment upfront. Always get payment up front, Dr. Linda.
Lisa: It looks like it! Lucifer better get his payment plan under control or get a credit card.
Favorite line/scene?
Melissa: That scene with naked Lucifer. Not just because Tom Ellis is gorgeous; not even mainly because Tom Ellis is gorgeous. The scars from his wings were unexpected and awe-inspiring, but Lucifer’s pain when Chloe asks how his father was responsible for those scars, that was breathtaking in its impact
Mynda: Trixie does it again! “Did you and Mommy have a sleepover?”
Leah: For me it was at the beginning of Carver’s seminar. The music starts, the lights are strobing and Chloe does a little dance while Lucifer looks horrified.
Stacey: The opening scene with Trixie, because everything Trixie does is adorable. Also, Lucifer’s moment after getting shot where he’s asking Chloe what’s happening to him.
Lisa: There were so many funny lines on the show, but my favorite in this episode is when Lucifer said “These berries are ripe and ready for harvesting!” Hilarious!
Lucifer airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX.