ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Med 1×08, Chicago Fire 4×13 & Chicago P.D. 3×13 recap
This week it was announced that Chicago Med will be joining Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D. for another season, so we can’t wait to see all the storylines these shows have in store in the year ahead. In the meantime, here’s what happened in the ONE CHICAGO world this week…

CHICAGO MED — “Reunion” Episode 108 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: There’s extra security around Gaffney Chicago Med this week with a Saudi prince being flown in to have surgery performed by one of the hospital’s most renowned doctors, Dr Downey. Then when a case of Dr Manning and Dr Halstead’s has social services being called in, this chief sure has her hands full!
April Sexton: This nurse has decided to give dating apps a go and while educating Sarah about it, accidentally discovers that lab tech Joey is on it, despite Sarah thinking they have a thing. This realisation puts Sarah in a bad mood and a “guys suck” rampage, which isn’t helped when April and Sarah are put on a case involving an Environmental Studies student, whom they discover has been hooking up with her best friend’s boyfriend. Ouch.

CHICAGO MED — “Reunion” Episode 108 — Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Dr. Natalie Manning, Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Nick Gehfuss as Dr. Will Halstead, Oliver Platt as Dr. Daniel Charles — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr. Natalie Manning: It’s been a month since Nat gave birth to Owen and now it’s back to work for the single mother, who understandably is concerned about leaving him. Dr Manning’s first case is a teenage girl, who according to the patient’s father has mito (mitochondrial disease). However Dr Halstead becomes involved and is skeptical and thinks the girl’s symptoms are from being given too many different drugs and also gets Dr Charles involved in the case. When they start mentioning child abuse, it leaves Nat feeling uneasy, especially when social services are called in.
Maggie Lockwood: Apart from being Nat’s number one supporter, we don’t see much of the head nurse this week.

CHICAGO MED — “Reunion” Episode 108 — Pictured: (l-r) Rachel DiPillo as Dr. Sarah Reese, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sarah Reese: We’ve seen the med student grow more confident over the last few weeks, whether that has something to do with her flirtation with lab tech Joey, who knows? When Sarah discovers his profile on a dating app, she is less than impressed and refuses to hear him out. The whole situation pretty much makes her sulky for the rest of the shift. (That being said, it was fun to see a more feisty and outspoken side to her than the meek and uncertain character she tends to be.) At the end of the episode she realises that she overreacted and surprises Joey with a view of the Chicago skyline as it was something that he mentioned in his online profile.

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Sky Is Falling” Episode 413 — Pictured: (l-r) Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey, Monica Raymund as Gabriella Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: The Battle of the Badges – a boxing match between Firehouse 51 and Chicago P.D.‘s District 21 – is announced this week and after Jimmy Borelli volunteers to represent the house against P.D‘s Sean Roman, Herrmann takes it upon himself to train the young candidate. What they don’t realise though is that Dawson was boxing champ in high school and they’ve got a better chance of her representing the house. Guess they’re still a bit of an old school boy’s club. Although when Dawson does reveal her skills, she does get to take over as Borelli’s trainer and it looks like 51 could win the battle after all. Well until Roman gets injured in this week’s episode of P.D. and Dawson’s brother Antonio reveals at Molly’s that he’ll be taking his place and representing District 21. Did we mention that he owns a boxing gym? Yep, suddenly Gabby’s hopes for Borelli taking home the trophy are dashed.

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Sky Is Falling” Episode 413 — Pictured: (l-r) Dora Madison as Jessica “Chili” Chilton, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: Up until this week, I have never seen the usually sweet and easy going paramedic so mad and worked up before, so when Brett is seriously this mad, you know something is up. And boy was it. After Brett once again tries to get her partner to open up to her, Chili goes to Boden requesting a new partner, citing personality clashes and when Boden refuses to buy it, she then says that Brett contradicted an order by her while they were on a job that day. We should also mention that Brett runs into Chili’s old partner from her last house at the hospital and her former partner reveals that only did Chili go through three partners before being transferred to 51, but she also had an alcohol problem. Anyway, Boden calls Brett into his office to reveal what Chili told him and while it looks like Boden is on her side, she goes off to confront Chili and it turns into a screaming match in the house. The union gets involved and agree with Boden that no one is going to be transferred and that basically the two paramedics need to sort their dramas out and work together. When Firehouse 51 responds to a call that ends up being a mass shooting situation and the two paramedics are separated from everyone else, hiding in fear, as flippant as it sounds, I’m hoping that this is the start of the road to recovery for these two.
Jessica ‘Chili’ Chilton: I’ve got to admit that I was yelling at my screen for Chili to stop being a little biatch this week. Trying to get Brett transferred to another house was not a cool move. We get that you’re grieving and everyone deals with grief in their own way, but when you’re in a job where other people’s lives depend on you and you lash out at those trying to help you, you really have to stop being so selfish and vindictive. I seriously hope Chili gets help real soon so she can pull herself together. I’m hoping that the shooting experience from this episode is the start of a wake up call for her.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Hit Me” Episode 313 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: This week’s episode opens up with Lindsay winning big at a casino and after quite a few drinks decides to cash in so she can go and celebrate in the city. Both Halstead and the casino manager try to persuade her from driving in her state but she ignores them and ends up getting pulled over by a cop. Or so we think. It turns out he’s a fake cop and Lindsay and Halstead were working undercover as there have been cases of cops robbing women on their way home from winning at the casino. This case is the main focus of this week’s episode, followed by the aftermath of Burgess and Ruzek’s breakup at the end of last episode. We finally get a proper scene between the show’s two leading ladies this week and it only took two-and-a-half seasons! One of my favourite scenes this episode is the heart-to-heart Lindsay and Burgess have in the locker room where Lindsay gives Burgess advice and the two hug. Aww!
Kim Burgess: Poor Burgess, it sucks when everyone at work knows your personal business and basically make you feel worse about having a broken engagement. Burgess has Platt gloating that she’s still getting married and Roman offering to set her up with his cousin. That factored in with having to see ex-fiance Ruzek every day, you can understand why Burgess puts in a request to transfer districts. Platt is upset over this decision and refuses to sign off on it. These concerns however are put on hold when Roman and Burgess are called in to assist Intelligence on their case without actually knowing what the case is about – a factor that puts the two cops in danger when the suspect shoots at their squad car while they’re in it and leads them on a high speed chase, where Roman gets injured. Burgess and Roman’s assistance on the Intelligence case also has Burgess having awkward encounters with Ruzek, who is upset about their split and doesn’t understand it. Towards the end of the episode, Lindsay offers her sympathy to Burgess over the split but also asks her if she is sure she wants to transfer districts. She tells Burgess that it’s hard enough being a female cop and that when the reason why she wants to transfer comes up, it’s going to make it that much harder for her and will follow her around for the rest of her career, leaving her to decide is the transfer really worth all the hard work she’s put in for her career so far.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Hit Me” Episode 313 — Pictured: (l-r) Amy Morton as Trudy Platt, Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: This week we see the desk sergeant away from the confines of the district and assisting outside. First she’s helping close in on a suspect and ends up arriving in time as Roman wrestles with said suspect and then when it’s revealed that the mastermind behind the whole operation is a cop – Detective Martin Watts, who Platt used to work with, she asks Voight to let her go in and talk to Watts. And so she goes in alone into the trailer he is hiding in to try and talk him down despite the fact that Watts has a shotgun. Things got pretty tense inside the trailer but in the end Platt was succesfully able to convince Watts to come out with her. Watts got involved in this situation after he was injured on the job and lost his position and a lot of his income. Platt was made desk sergeant after being injured in the field and while it may not have been what she saw for herself, she embraced it and realised how important her role is. It was interesting to see the contrast between the two characters who came from similar situations but ended up choosing to go two different paths. It was also great to see Platt get some real meaty and emotional scenes.
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c and Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c, all three air on NBC. Next week Chicago P.D. crosses over with Law & Order: SVU.