ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Med 1×06, Chicago Fire 4×11 & Chicago P.D. 3×12 Recap
A tornado, a baby being born and an engagement being broken off – it was busy week in the ONE CHICAGO world this week. Read on to find out about the dramas affecting the leading ladies of Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D. this week…
Sharon Goodwin: Homeland Security agents show up to the hospital when it’s discovered that two patients that were brought into Emergency are illegal immigrants. After one of the patients passes away, Dr Rhodes does his best to stop the agents from talking to the other patient, the deceased’s sister, leaving Goodwin torn on what to do. Speaking of Rhodes, his father has donated a generous amount of money to the hospital for a new psychiatric ward, but Sharon and fellow doctor, Dr Charles are skeptical about how good his intentions are.
April Sexton: Apart from assisting with patients, things are quiet on the storyline front for the nurse this week.

CHICAGO MED — “Bound” Episode 106 — Pictured: (l-r) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Torrey DeVitto as Dr. Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: Nat is advising Sarah on an eight-year-old boy, when Nat’s water breaks. Soon enough she’s supported by Maggie, her birthing coach, who then leaves Nat with Dr Halstead while she finds someone to cover her while she supports Nat. Mother-to-be is grateful to have the handsome doctor there as a supportive friend and feels comfortable to lean on him. Unfortunately her mother-in-law sees this and ends up giving Dr Halstead a talking to and basically kicks him out without Nat knowing. After a bit of hiccups during labor, Natalie gives birth to a baby boy, who she names Owen, as the name means “fighter” in Irish.
Maggie Lockwood: From the moment we met this head nurse, she’s always come across as this strong woman who isn’t afraid to tell it how it is and we certainly see that this week. When Dr Halstead is once again making snap judgement about Dr Rhodes and his wealthy background, it’s Maggie that gives him a reality check by informing him that Rhodes’ mother killed herself when the doctor was only 10-years-old. Looks like Dr Halstead will be biting his tongue a bit now. Also this week, Maggie is in the delivery room with Nat and when it looks like the doctor is going to have to a C-Section because the baby is in the wrong position, Maggie convinces Nat and her doctor to let her try before they send Nat to the operating room. First go, Maggie’s midwife skills don’t work, but the next time she tries, it’s a success. Yay!

CHICAGO MED — “Bound” Episode 106 — Pictured: (l-r) Rachel DiPillo as Dr. Sarah Reese, Torrey DeVitto as Dr. Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sarah Reese: The med student is treating an eight-year-old boy with a broken collarbone when he starts seizing. Together with Dr Manning, they realise not only does he have a rare and terminal brain disease that will leave him bed-ridden in a couple of years, but that it’s hereditary and his three-year-old brother could have it too. Just as they’re about to break the news to the family, Nat’s water breaks leaving a panicked Sarah to break the news on her own. Thankfully Dr Charles is there to help, telling the aspiring doctor that this is one of the toughest things of the job and doesn’t get easier, before offering to sit in with her while she informs the family. Especially considering that she doesn’t have the greatest social skills, Sarah handles herself quite well when she’s breaking the news to the family, even though you can tell she’s just about ready to break down. Which she does, after she excuses herself and goes to cry in the bathroom. As sad as it is, the situation has demonstrated a great growth from the med student.

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Path of Destruction” Episode 411 — Pictured: Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: Dawson has her hands full helping others this week. First she’s playing fairy godmother to Otis, who wants her help with finding a girl. She suggests that he changes things up a little and shaves off his facial hair, to which he’s horrified. Eventually he does it though, so it’ll be interesting to see whether that change is going to help him or not. Also in this ep, Dawson notices that there is some tension between Brett and Chili and coaxes the truth out of Brett about what is going on and gives her advice on how to handle the situation.With all this guidance, Gabriela still finds time to have a drink with her brother Antonio (from Chicago P.D.), who informs her that Chili’s sister was found dead. Uh-oh, Gabriela may want to re-evaluate her advice to Brett…
Sylvie Brett: It’s not exactly the greatest week for the paramedic and the tornado hitting Chicago doesn’t exactly help things. Even though she told Austin that she just wants to be friends, he keeps calling her up. Her partner is still behaving strangely and this week it goes too far when Chili administers the wrong drug to a patient and then afterwards brushes it off, even though Brett had to totally cover for her. The tension between the two paramedics is obvious enough for fellow colleague and friend, Dawson to pick up on and Brett ends up spilling the truth to her about the Chili situation. At the end of the episode, Brett goes to Chief Boden to fill him in on Chili’s behaviour. I really felt for Brett because you could tell she was so upset about having to dob her partner in and seemingly looking like a rat, but when people’s lives are at stake, you’ve gotta do what you have to do. These distractions probably also explain why she still hasn’t realised that Otis is into her.

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Path of Destruction” Episode 411 — Pictured: Dora Madison as Jessica “Chili” Chilton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Jessica ‘Chili’ Chilton: Chili’s unpredictable behavior continues this week. When Jimmy tries to talk to her at work, with a few choice words she tells him that she doesn’t want anything to do with him. Then when she and Brett attend a call during the tornado where a woman is seizing, Chili accidentally gives her morphine because she didn’t check what she was administering. Later at Chicago Med when she has to restock their supplies, Chili lies about what happened and when Brett confronts her about what happened, Chili brushes the situation off and invites her partner out for a night of guys and margaritas. Realising she can’t keep covering for her, Brett reports Chili to Boden and it looks like things are going to go down next week. It isn’t until the end of the episode when Antonio Dawson is chatting to Gabriela Dawson at Molly’s that we discover the reason for the paramedic’s behaviour lately – her sister Jellybean (who happens to be a CI informant for Antonio) was found dead in a flophouse in Kansas City a few weeks ago.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Looking Out For Stateville” Episode 312 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: When Voight’s former cellmate Eddie, who is fresh out of jail and claims that he wants a fresh start yet not only manages to get himself into trouble but also his partner and her daughter, Lindsay also finds herself drawn into the drama. It is Lindsay who takes the women into protective custody, where the daughter, Tracy, is angry that her mother is protecting Eddie and tells Lindsay that she doesn’t trust Eddie. Later on Eddie warns Lindsay to stay out of his family’s business, which makes the detective even more convinced that Tracy can’t go to Florida with her mother and Eddie for a “fresh start” and she tells her partner so. In the end, Eddie shows his true colours and ends up going back to jail and Lindsay gives Tracy and her mom the money he was to get as a CI, so that the women can have their fresh start.
Kim Burgess: Already frustrated that they’re having trouble agreeing on an apartment to live in, matters are not helped this week when Ruzek tells Burgess that his dad can’t make it to dinner with her mom. Obviously disappointed, Burgess is not in the greatest mood at work and her day doesn’t get any better when she and Roman are assigned to lost property detail. As they wrap up, Burgess notices a bracelet with an inscription and convinces Roman to go with her and track down the owner. It turns out the owner has passed away but her husband is still alive and he tells him of their 45-year marriage – a story that hits too close to home for Burgess and makes her come to a realisation about her fiance. She tells him that he never wanted to meet her mother because that would make them getting married seem real and so she is letting him off the hook, before she takes off her engagement ring and gives it back to him. Nooooo!
Trudy Platt: In true Platt form, as she argues with a wedding venue over the phone about getting her deposit back , she not so subtly uses her position in the force into blackmailing them to get her money back. Something tells me they’d be crazy to try and outsmart her…
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c and Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c, all three air on NBC.