ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 4×10, Chicago Med 1×05 & Chicago P.D. 3×10 recap
This week saw the much anticipated first ever Chicago franchise trio crossover and it did not disappoint. Not only was there lots of things happening from the get-go, but the interweaving of characters and storylines during these three hours of television flowed effortlessly. Here is what happened with the ladies of Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Chicago P.D. this week…

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Beating Heart” Episode 410 — Pictured: Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: The crossover begins right where Chicago Fire left off last year with Herrmann bleeding out on the floor of the storeroom at Molly’s. Thankfully he’s discovered by Dawson where she goes out back to grab some supplies. The paramedic-turned-figrefighter quickly leaps into action and helps Herrmann as they wait for an ambulance to arrive. When it does, she rides with him to Chicago Med. It is obvious that seeing her mentor has understandably shaken Dawson, especially as her paramedic background has her understanding how grave his situation is, but she puts up a tough front to support Herrman’s wife Cindy. When the team have to go back to the firehouse for shift, Dawson stays behind to be there for Cindy. Dawson’s paramedic background also has her questioning Dr Rhodes, who is looking after Herrmann, and his decision to wait out the bleeding before operating.
Sylvie Brett: As well as being concerned for Herrmann, Brett is worried about Chili and it turns out she’s not the only one, so is firefighter Jimmy, who her partner has been seeing. Neither of them can work out what is wrong with the paramedic.
Jessica ‘Chili’ Chilton: This week Chili’s strange behavior continues and others are beginning to notice. As the Firehouse 51 team anxiously wait at Chicago Med for word on Herrmann’s condition, Chili is noticeably absent. Later on when she and Brett are at the hospital and Dr Choi asks them some questions about a patient they brought in earlier, Chili gets very defensive and snaps at him. We’re seriously wondering what is up with the young paramedic because clearly something is happening in her personal life that is affecting her, as shown when we see her sobbing alone at the hospital at the end of the Chicago Fire episode. Hopefully this is a mystery that is revealed soon!
Sharon Goodwin: The chief administrator has her hands full trying to work out what is the deal with all the chemo overdose patients and works closely with colleague and friend Dr Charles to make sense of it all. I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like Sharon Goodwin/S. Epatha Merkerson is one of Chicago Med’s most underrated players. We’re five episodes in and I feel like she’s due for a storyline or at least something more than keeping things in line in the hospital – yes, I realise that is her job but she is so much more than that and I would like to discover what that more is.

CHICAGO MED — “Malignant” Episode 105 — Pictured: (l-r) Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
April Sexton: Chicago Fire fans will know that April and firefighter Kelly Severide go way back, but correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we not really seen much of them together in the last couple of months? And wasn’t Severide into that lawyer lady? When April and Severide started making out this week, I was a little confused. But hey sometimes trauma has a way of bringing people together, right? Anyway, after their impromptu elevator make-out, Severide persuades April to meet up with him after work, to which she agrees. However, when her younger brother Noah begs her to help him study because he’s just started interning at the hospital and isn’t doing as well as he hoped, she cancels on Severide. When the firefighter questions how long is she going to put her brother’s needs before her own (we discover that April’s parents are quite traditional and while April is smart enough to become a doctor – certainly smarter than her brother, she became a nurse so that he could be the doctor in the family.), she becomes cold to Severide and tells him to back off and let her handle things. Yowch.
Dr Natalie Manning: One of the cases bringing the three shows together in this crossover involves female patients being admitted to Med due to chemo overdoses, yet all the patients don’t have cancer. This case is clearly affecting the doctors of Chicago Med including Nat, who has been treating an elderly woman who supposedly had throat cancer. The fact that she has no real answers to provide to the woman’s son starts to weigh on Dr Manning. When another patient dies leaving behind a partner who is pregnant with their first child, Dr Halstead asks Nat to speak to the partner as Nat can relate, having lost her husband during the early stages of her own pregnancy. Although she is not impressed by Dr Halstead’s reasoning, she reluctantly agrees to speak to the woman. In Chicago P.D., frustrated with the number of women being brought in because of chemo overdoses, Nat helps out the Intelligence team but giving them the bag of the latest victim, not caring about the rules and hoping that it will bring them one step closer to finding the person responsible for all these cases. It does. Also this week, Nat attends a tour at the hospital with Maggie in preparation for her unborn son, but the pair don’t last very long on the tour with Nat pointing out flaws of the things being taught by the woman running the tour.
Maggie Lockwood: As well as organising the ER with all the chemo paitients being admitted, Maggie continues to support Nat and her pregnancy and takes it upon herself to be Nat’s birthing buddy, which means making sure the doctor goes on hospital tours in preparation. Although she is the one who encourages attending the tour, Maggie is also not afraid to to get sassy and share her thoughts on the (in)adequacy of the tour.

CHICAGO MED — “Malignant” Episode 105 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Dr. Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sarah Reese: This week, Sarah shows initiative and asks Dr Choi if she can run a few extra tests on one of the chemo patients and he agrees. However, when she goes to ask if the test results can be pushed through quickly, she discovers that the technician is a guy she had an awkward encounter with earlier that morning where she swiped the last splenda that he was about to use. Nonetheless, he runs the results for her quickly and when he goes to personally deliver them to her and she’s not around, he’s reluctant to hand them over to someone else. Could this be the start of a new romance? We think so! Sarah is also assigned to guide newbie intern and April’s younger brother, Noah, around. He is the one who ends up with the test results and takes credit for them and when Sarah finds out, she is not impressed.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Now I’m God” Episode 310 — Pictured: (l-r) Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay, Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: We first see Lindsay with her partner Halstead in Chicago Med, investigating what happened to the victim from the fire in the first part of the crossover when they initially thought it was suicide. During the third installment of the crossover, it is revealed in Chicago P.D. that the suspect in the chemo overdose case is a doctor – the same doctor who treated Voight’s late wife Camille, who was basically a second mother to Lindsay. While this revelation obviously rattles her, Lindsay tries to keep calm and optimistic and puts Voight’s needs before hers. She volunteers to go with Halstead to question the doctor instead of Voight, who she knows will lose it when he seems him. She is determined to nail the doctor and in so many words tells him so. We see a lot of Voight and Lindsay moments in this episode as they support each other. We also get an insight into Lindsay’s past, particular to the time when the Voights first took her in, which is nice to hear about.
Kim Burgess: The fall finale of Chicago P.D., ended with Burgess discovering that her partner Roman had just shot dead someone in self defense but their gun was nowhere to be seen. Although warned by the detective on the case not to interfere with the investigation, with help and approval from Platt, Burgess spends the third part of this week’s crossover trying to find out what happened to the gun and prove Roman’s innocence. She’s convinced that the victim’s brother is a good guy but hid the gun to protect the people that he loves. Together Burgess and Platt convince the brother to speak up about the gun. Burgess also pops up on Chicago Med, questioning staff and witnesses to try and solve the chemo overdose case.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Now I’m God” Episode 310 — Pictured: (l-r) Marina Squerciati as Officer Kim Burgess, Amy Morton as Desk Sgt. Trudy Platt — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: When word gets out about Herrmann, the tough desk sergeant rushes to Firehouse 51 to support her boyfriend Mouch and see if there is anything she can do for Herrmann’s family. Mouch is a bundle of nerves because Herrmann is his better half and best friend. Also Mouch had been planning on proposing to his lady. After persuasion from the Firehouse 51 family, he still proposes but in typical Mouch fashion fumbles through it and says that proposing to Trudy is the best thing he could be doing during this traumatic time. Ouch not exactly the proposal any woman would want to hear. Understandably Trudy turns Mouch down, because as hard-ass as she may appear, she wants a romantic and unexpected proposal. However, she later has a change of heart and tells her boyfriend that while the proposal attempt was half-assed and messy, that is who he is, and not only that but he is also kind and honest and that she is lucky to call him hers. Platt then surprises him but proposing to him instead and being the strong independent woman that she is, it is very fitting! (He accepts by the way.) In the third part of this week’s installment, Platt shows her understanding side and also helps Burgess to clear Roman’s name.
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c and Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c, all three air on NBC.