ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Med 1×01, Chicago Fire 4×06 and Chicago P.D. 3×09 recap
Between the series premiere of Chicago Med and the fall finale of Chicago P.D. (really, we have to wait until January for new Chicago P.D. eps?!), there was no shortage of drama across the Chicago shows last week. Welcome to the first trifecta recap for all the ONE Chicago shows. Here’s what the leading ladies got up to…
Gabriela Dawson: After a few intense weeks, it’s a bit quiet on the Dawson front in this latest ep, but that’s okay. There is however a cute scene between her and Otis after he realises that Chili and Jimmy have been hooking up. More of those light-hearted friendship scenes please!

CHICAGO FIRE– “2112” Episode 406 — Pictured: (l-r) Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: Brett is the first to figure out that something happened between Chili and Jimmy, with Dawson quick to follow. Pretty fitting considering both Brett and Dawson have had in-house romances and can give different perspectives on how they can/can’t work.
Jessica ‘Chili’ Chilton: Following last week’s make-out session, Chili and Jimmy are now sneaking around Firehouse 51, grabbing stolen kisses whenever they can. They’re not exactly subtle about it though, because some most of their colleagues have cottoned on to them. While Jimmy may have worries about in-house relations, Chili seems to be willing to have some fun, damn the consequences and proves it by showing up at Jimmy’s apartment. On the work side of things, one of the calls Chili and Brett get is to a home where a man has apparently accidentally shot himself in the face while cleaning his gun. He’s lucky that it sounds worse than what it is. When Chili tends to the victim, she realises that the victim’s story does not add up and that his young son was playing with the gun and accidentally shot his father. As the cops show up, Chili makes the split decision to cover for the father rather than reveal the truth. I totally understand why she did it, but I hope her decision doesn’t backfire on her later on!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Never Forget I Love You” Episode 309 — Pictured: (l-r) Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: Lindsay is with Voight when the head of a decapitated girl is found in the river. Her body is also later found and it looks like the victim may have been connected to a social club that Voight’s father belonged to, leaving Lindsay to question Voight’s judgement on this case. This causes tension between the two and also has Lindsay going down memory lane to a summer when she was a teenager and wondering if Voight had done some unethical things during that time. By the episode’s end, Voight reveals what happened during that summer and yes he set up a man for a robbery that he didn’t commit, but that was because he discovered that man particularly liked teenage girls and therefore Voight was going to protect her anyway he could. He also tells her that she isn’t always going to know or understand or even like why he does things, but that she should never forget that he loves her.
Kim Burgess: In this ep, Burgess is both trying to support Roman as he tries to protect Callie (Andrew’s mother) from her drunken ex, Richie, but also try to keep him in line and be rational one while handling the delicate situation. When Roman tracks Richie’s brother down and he makes a crack about Roman moving on a grieving woman, Burgess has to drag Roman away before he does something that he’ll regret. However, later that ep when Roman and Burgess go to Callie’s house and find her beaten up, Roman spots Richie and chases after him. When it looks like Richie is going to pull a gun on him, Roman shoots him but they keep running. When Roman and Burges catch up to Richie, he is dead and when Burgess goes to check him, she can’t find a gun on Richie, only a cellphone. Realising this is bad, she calls Voight and that is how the episode ends for the mid-season!
Trudy Platt: Sgt Platt finds a book of engagement rings in Mouch’s car, which puts her in a joyous mood. One that Roman takes advantage of and asks the normally no-nonsense desk sergeant if he can spend the rest of his shift tracking down Richie, to which she gives the okay to. Also while in her happy bubble, Platt teases Burgess that she may even end up getting married before her. Yowch.

CHICAGO MED — “Derailed” Episode 101 — Pictured: (l-r) S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin, Oliver Platt as Dr. Daniel Charles — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: We first met Sharon in the Chicago Fire episode set in Chicago Med last season where a bomb went off. It’s now months later and the Chief Administrator of Clinical Operations of Chicago Med is opening up the new emergency department that was destroyed in Fire. Apart from the opening and checking that everything runs smoothly in the hospital, we don’t see much of Sharon in the premiere.
April Sexton: You also know April from Chicago Fire as Severide’s friend from their younger years, but now we get to see her on her own turf in her element. In this episode we see that April is a good friend from the way she supports and comforts Dr. Natalie Manning. This nurse appears to be quite the people person too, as it is through her that we discover more about the mysterious new doctor Dr. Connor Rhodes when he shares a bit about himself while she’s helping the shirtless doc stitch himself up after the train accident. Do we sense sparks between these two?

CHICAGO MED — “Derailed” Episode 101 — Pictured: Torrey Devitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr. Natalie Manning: Being in her third trimester hasn’t stopped this paediatrician from working in the busy hospital that is Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. It’s alluded that Dr. Manning, or Nat as her friends call her, is set to be a single mother, but we later learn that is because Nat was left a widow after her husband died while serving in the army. For the most part, Nat seems to be keeping it together remarkably well (especially considering she also has pregnancy hormones to contend with too), but she does break down after a shift when she’s reminded of her late husband. Luckily she has Maggie and April looking out for her and wanting to help her as much as they can. They even add a bit more fun to it by organising a crib-building soiree at her apartment that weekend. Nat also seems to be good friends with colleague Dr. Will Halstead, judging by the easy banter the pair have going on in this episode.
Maggie Lockwood: We don’t know much about Maggie yet, but this nurse seems fun with a bit of spark in her, which always keeps thing interesting. Apart from supporting Nat, there was also an understated scene between her and Chicago Fire‘s Herrmann about the reality of their jobs. I can’t wait to see more of these subtle crossovers if they flow as well as this scene did.

CHICAGO MED — “Derailed” Episode 101 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sarah Reese: This fourth year med student was really struggling in this ep (which is great to see a more realistic depiction of med students on screen than being a highly skilled overachiever) – under pressure she couldn’t find a vein on one of the patients and then struggled with suddenly having to perform CPR on a young girl in fear of breaking the girl’s ribs, which she ended up doing but it saved the patient’s life. Later when she is found by Dr. Rhodes locating veins on a dummy so there is no repeat stumbling moment, Sarah is frustrated that she can easily do it on the test subject but couldn’t on the patient. She reveals that if the rotation was not a requirement for her studies she would not be in this specific stream of work, she would be in the lab. The older and more experienced doc tells her that every med student thinks they’re better off in a department like pathology once they start dealing with real-life patients, and he’s speaking from experience.
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c and Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c, all three air on NBC. New episodes of Chicago P.D. will return January 6, 2016.