BLINDSPOT: “Authentic Flirt” {Roundtable}
We’re one week away from the Fall finale, and it seems that everything is so much more important than it seemed just weeks ago.
1. This week we get one of my favorite tropes: undercover whatever. How did you like Jane and Kurt working in that context? Or were their honest revelations about the past too much?
Leah: I love undercover episodes. Always. This one was no exception. Formal wearing married assasins, dancing, jealous outbursts and taking down the bad guy. Loved it!
Lisa: I loved it! Jane looked so beautiful in her dress and it was cool seeing them act like a couple and then kicking major ass. I hope to see them do more undercover assignments. I will say it was a little strange seeing her without the tattoos.
Liz: As a rule I don’t like under cover ops because they make me nervous. I’m always waiting for them to get caught, which is what happened. I don’t think revelations about their pasts interfered with the operation. They seemed to be able to get the job done in spite of that. Although, it’s getting to where anytime they have to work together on something, and there’s a moment when they are just waiting around for something, you know for sure you’re going to get more history on Jane and Kurt. It’s getting predictable.
Roz: I love it (obviously) but I think that the two of them worked well without any back-up. They’re both smart people who are, clearly, capable of taking care of themselves and getting work done for the FBI. I think Jane’s revelation about that guy with the tree tattoo was good; she needs to admit what’s going on with her life outside of the office.
2. Patterson’s ex-beau is getting himself into trouble by following what he shouldn’t know. Do you feel better that his inclusion has come to something of an end? Or is it also just another step in a larger mystery of Jane’s tattoos?
Leah: I am sad Paatterson’s guy had to go but I have to assume it will bring another layer to the mystery. The notes in the books, mysterious redhead, Jane’s tattoos, I think it’s all connected. I wish he would have just called Patterson or gone and looked in the books himself instead of following her though.
Lisa: He was stupid to follow that woman, but he I didn’t want to see him die. I was hoping that he would be able to give Patterson some clues and maybe they would bring him in as a consultant, but that was wishful thinking. I definitely think it is a another step in the mystery of Jane’s tattoos.
Liz: I think this incident is going to reveal another tattoo, however, his murder is going to put a wrinkle in things. It was an unpredicted move by a surprise guest. I have wondered about this a few times. What happens when the unpredictable happens? Does it change a timeline? What does it change?
Roz: In all honesty, I wrote this question as soon as I saw him back in the library, but I didn’t think he’d end up dead when I thought through what could happen. That said, I think he was stupid to follow everything he knew, but it looks like that red-headed woman is a part of the episode next week, so I hope that his death is not without meaning and purpose.
3. Guerrero is still causing problems for Mayfair at the start of the episode. Do you think that this will be the last we hear of Daylight or is there still more buried underneath his role?
Leah: I wanted Daylight to be something bigger – to me it is just a way to bring the CIA guy I can’t stand into the picture so he can cause some trouble for Jane and the FBI.
Lisa: I definitely don’t think this is the last we hear of it. I still feel like there is more to that story and who knows when we will find out the whole truth. They have us hooked for sure!
Liz: Oh no, there’s way more. Daylight is not over. It’s unraveling but it’s not over. And now, Mayfair has even more blood on her hands. I wonder how she’ll live with that.
Roz: Given how far Zapata’s being pushed by the CIA’s liaison, I don’t think Daylight’s over at all. There’s something to Guerrero, the original plan and now the cover-up that I worry about.
4. How much do you want that found family to stay together? Even if Zapata is lying to them all.
Leah: I love the fact that they are all bonding as a makeshift family. From what I gathered they were pretty close before Jane showed up but now everybody seems to be on board with Jane being part of the team. A housewarming party at your safehouse was a pretty cool idea.
Lisa: I do want them to stay together. I really enjoyed the pizza party scene at the end (until they got the call about Patterson’s ex). I’m hoping Zapata has come to her senses since she dropped the wire down the drain. Once again, wishful thinking. She will have to pay the price for her actions at some point though.
Liz: I think Zapata was just desperate. Unfortunately, now she’s stuck. I think we’re going to see her confess to someone, either Kurt or Reade, what she’s been doing and the mess she finds herself in now. I hope it happens soon because she seems pretty near that point. As for the family staying together, I don’t think I care one way or the other.
Roz: I want all the fun drinking and hanging out that we had – before all that awful news – because I think Jane needs non-work socializing. She’s so alone otherwise, and that can’t be good.