Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable Discussion: “Among Us Hide”

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After the events in Ward’s lair, May benches Hunter and pushes Bobbie back into the field to continue the mission. Daisy, Mack, and Hunter try to get a lead on Lash’s human identity by tracking Rosalind’s henchman, but it’s ultimately May who learns the truth when she catches up to Werner von Strucker. He reveals that the reason Andrew survived the attack was because he turned into something and fought back. Andrew is Lash.

1. After a successful mission where she was thrown back in action before tests said she was ready, Bobbie seemed to overcome her cold feet. Do you think she’s really back to 100%?

Jan: I’m undecided. She definitely turned a huge corner, getting her confidence back. I’m still a little troubled by the fact her tests hadn’t cleared her to get back to work. Mentally she is ready, but I’m still wondering if there are lingering physical concerns.

Roz: I don’t think she’s 100% back, but after everything this week I think she’s probably about 85%.

Rueben: No, I don’t think she’s 100%, and truth be told, I don’t think she’ll ever be 100%. Not because she wouldn’t be able to handle herself, but she had some major trauma to her mind, body and soul. After something like that you come out a different person. She’s starting on a whole new normal now.

2. Daisy’s trust in Coulson has been taking hits all season, albeit mainly from misunderstandings on Daisy’s part. Do you foresee a rift is on the horizon?

Jan: I definitely think something big is coming, probably in the form of Daisy conducting some operations without Coulson’s knowledge or consent.

Roz: It needs to happen, actually. A rift between them will force Coulson to explain what he’s doing for the whole team.

Rueben: Yes, it’s bound to happen. And as Roz said, hopefully the rift that is sure to happen will kick start Coulson into revealing what he is really doing with Rosalind and her team.

3. Biggest shocker of the evening, Andrew is Lash. Was that even a possibility in your mind prior to seeing the reveal?

Jan: He wasn’t even in my top ten of people it could be. He was just so mild-mannered and unassuming, plus he had the trust of everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. On second thought, that should have been a huge clue that he was a problem.

Roz: No! I’m shocked by it and I can’t even think of what it’s going to do for the rest of the team when they all learn it.

Rueben: As soon as that kid said “he turned into that thing” (or whatever his exact words were) I started freaking out, screaming at the TV. That was such an unexpected twist!! Andrew being Lash was not even on my radar, but it will totally shake things up and not in a good way.

4. Any idea how May is going to handle the news that her ex is the enemy?

Jan: All this time she has thought the problem was something within her. She seemed to have Andrew on a pedestal, he could do no wrong so the problem had to be her. Now he has come tumbling off that pedestal and May feels betrayed. I think she will go after him with all of her anger driving her.

Roz: She didn’t take well to thinking Hunter responsible for Andrew’s injury so I’ll say her hearing that Andrew is Lash won’t go well. At all.

Rueben: I think this might just take her over the deep end for a time, coming to terms with what Andrew is.

5. What was your favorite scene in “Among Us Hide”?

Jan: That moment when Werner von Strucker revealed what really happened before the explosion, and realization sank in that Andrew is Lash.

Roz: In a weird way I loved watching Coulson in Rosalind’s apartment and his careful observations about what’s going on with her.

Rueben: I kinda like the scene with Jemma and Andrew where she was diagnosing him instead of the other way around. I’m pretty sure that was before the Andrew reveal, which was also one hell of scene.

6. Who was the episode MVP?

Jan: I’m going to give this one to Bobbie. It’s tough coming back from an injury, but she did what she had to do and got her confidence back.

Roz: May because she was able to get that information from von Strucker about Andrew.

Rueben: I have to agree with Roz that it was May especially given that final scene with the kid, as he revealed what Andrew turned in; and she was so utterly shocked by the news.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.

Images courtesy ABC/Eddy Chen/Kelsey McNeal

TV fanatic, podcaster, writer, competitive hula hooper. Okay, that last part might be a lie.