BLINDSPOT: “Bone May Rot” {Roundtable}
This week we learned about two tattoos and watched more than one person die.
Here we go for for some thoughts from this week’s episode of Blindspot.
1. Do you find it weird to see two tattoos revealed in one episode? Especially with what they told us.
Liz: No, I don’t think it’s weird. It fits in with what the showrunners want to do as far as moving the story along at a good pace.
Lisa: I don’t think it’s weird at all! It keeps the story moving along and I was glued to the TV!
Roz: It’s good to switch up the formula of the show, but I worry about where it can go when all of the tattoos are exhausted.
2. On a scale from one to ten, how much would you hate to be Weller and Taylor in the lockdown? How long, if you were in one of their suits, would you last?
Liz: Oh no, not me! You wouldn’t even get me into one of those suits. So that would be a -10.
Lisa: OMG! That was so scary. I would not have been able to do that. If I made it into the hazmat suit that would be a victory. So that would be a 1 for me.
Roz: I’d hate to be them, and I’d hate to be locked in a place like that. I’d maybe last twenty minutes if I were forced in there.
3. Do you want Taylor to tell Weller about her flashback this week? If not when should she?
Liz: I was hoping she would. But I think she’ll reveal it sooner rather than later. If there is now a question about who she really is, she may tell him what she remembers. Another possibility would be that when Taylor finds out about the new information, it may trigger another memory attached to the one of the night she left.
Lisa: Yes, I think she should especially now that there is still some uncertainty about her true identity. They can help each other out.
Roz: In a perfect world, yes, but I also see some of her apprehension and skittishness. It’ll probably just take more time.
4. Is there a point where from a narrative standpoint the villain of the week could not die? If so, did we pass it last week, this week or have we not passed it at all yet?
Liz: Liz passed on this one.
Lisa: Yes, I think we passed it this week. They are not going to let us be comfortable each week thinking everything is safe because the villian is going to die. I am almost afraid to see what villians they have in store for us.
Roz: Yes! I couldn’t take the murder-suicide or how quickly most of our villains are unwilling to accept the consequences.
5. We’re learning more about Patterson and her guy, but is he a liability?
Liz: This is a new layer for the show, isn’t it? He’s definitely a liability. At some point we’ll have to see if this team will go to any lengths to cover each other’s back, and if that’s so, will they also cover Mayfair’s when the truth about Daylight comes out?
Lisa: Yes, he’s definitely a liability. I don’t trust him at all and I know he will cause some problems. I just hope she doesn’t give Jane (or Taylor) up to cover her own ass.
Roz: He’s too on the nose for me not to think he’s a liability. If he’s working for the same guy as the man in the woods, I won’t be shocked.
6. Do you want to side with the doctor or Weller in the end? Slightly related, how much do you think Taylor may have a death wish now that she knows her history?
Liz: Well I definitely don’t want to side with the doctor because I think he’s 100% wrong. And I absolutely don’t think that Taylor has a death wish at all. She doesn’t know all of her history just yet. There’s still more to know and she wants to know.
Lisa: I think I’m going to roll with Weller on this one. No, I think Taylor is confident in fighting for her life, but she doesn’t have a death wish. Her only wish is to find out the truth of who she is.
Roz: Weller all the way. But I do think that Taylor doesn’t have a sense of self yet to stop her from doing dangerous things.
7. Speculate, if you can, about Daylight now that we know the CIA is also involved. Or if you’d rather, speculate on the last bomb by Peterson in the episode. Your choice.
Liz: I don’t think all of the CIA really knows about Daylight. Carter said that only four people knew about it and one was dead. They may be using the CIA for certain ops but I don’t think the CIA knows. I also wonder why Mayfair is involved at all. Is she being blackmailed or did she sign on willingly but is having second thoughts now? What ever Daylight is, I wonder if the person who tattooed Taylor was once a part of it but became a victim (?). Maybe that’s the one that’s “dead”? So they created Taylor and tattooed her to send specific messages but they can’t reveal themselves and risk giving themselves away. Remember the bearded guy Taylor was in training with? He told her not to trust anyone. I’m going to assume he meant both FBI and CIA. I still think Taylor was sent to threaten Daylight.
Lisa: Daylight sounds like such a sweet case file but we all know it is something huge (and not sweet). I don’t think the CIA is totally involved but maybe a former CIA agent heads it up? With only 3 living people who know about it, I think Jane is a total threat. She already has that one agent sweating about it. I feel like Daylight was some mission that went horribly wrong and caused many casualties. We will have to see more about this case as the story unfolds.
Roz: Daylight, if it’s a joint project of the FBI and CIA can’t be good. But as for what it is, I can’t even tell right now, except that it is probably bad – and not something anyone wants announced to the whole world. As for Taylor’s new complicated situation, what oh what can it even mean for there to be conflicting details.