Arrow: Emily Bett Rickards talks Felicity [Video]
I have a confession – while Stephen Amell shirtless [on the salmon ladder] is certainly a sight worth watching, what hooked me on Arrow and keeps me watching is my major girl crush on Felicity. I also have to admit that season 3 left me a bit disappointed because it really seemed to me like they “dressed her up and dumbed her down” – I missed the Keds-and-twinset-wearing-smartest-person-in-the-room-yet-girl-next-door Felicity, the one prone to awkward unintended double entendres, and her interactions with Oliver and Diggle. She was what made me love Arrow season 1 & 2.
From many an online conversation, I know I am not the only fan who felt this way and when I got a chance to talk with Emily in the press room at San Diego Comic Con, I took a deep breath and asked her about it. Thankfully, it sounds like she misses the old Felicity too and would like to get back to some of the facets of the character that made her so appealing in the first place. Fingers crossed that the powers-that-be are also on board!
Our interview:
You can see the full Arrow Comic Con panel here.
All new episodes of Arrow start on Wednesday, October 7th at 8/7c on the CW.