Person of Interest had both a press room and a panel at Comic Con this year. We’ll post our videos from the press room later, but in the meantime, enjoy the panel! The panel attendees included Jonah Nolan (creator, executive producer), Greg Plageman (executive producer), Denise The (writer, executive producer), Michael Emerson (Harold Finch), Jim Caviezel (John Reese), Amy Acker (Samatha Groves/Root), Kevin Chapman (Fusco).
The panel started out with a sizzle reel, most of which came from a fan-made trailer (!) and then progressed to a Q&A with the moderator and then with the audience.
Sizzle Reel:
Some highlights from the panel:
- Starting this fall, POI will *finally* stream on Netflix and will also be syndicated – tell your friends!
- The new season will start in January with 13 episodes and creator Jonah Nolan says “we’re going to make 13 kickass episodes and then drop the microphone” and they have ideas of where to go from there if it does get a 6th season
- Acker has some backstory on some of crazy costumes/identities Root took on this season (such as the wedding dress and the bear costume), some from the writers, and some she made up herself
- Caviezel’s favorite episode was 4.20, Terra Incognito, when Reese talked to Carter in the car as he was “dying”
- “We have not seen the last of Shaw” – Denise The
- Root and Finch will rebuild the Machine together, but may not always agree on how
Person of Interest Season 5 will air in January 2016 on CBS.