DEFIANCE – 3.04 ‘Dead Air’ Once You Go Purple…..
Just when you think things are safe….some one blows shit up! Well, that’s Defiance for you! And, now, the arch is gone.
Enter General Rahm Tak who invades via hologram! His cowardly appearance kind of took the sting out of the shock and awe explosion! Once again, crazy man fails to deliver!
The Warlord’s victory was exceedingly shortlived when his second in command delivered the news of the Omec arrival. Tevgin is apparently not only very old, but one the most powerful beings of his race.Scientest, Inventer and War Hero! On earth, any force against him would be like toddlers trying to keep meat from a tiger! Rahm Tak wastes no time in assigning Team Tarr a new task called ‘Kill the Omec.’
Facing Impending invasion Nolan and Amanda head out for Station Arrowhead in search of much needed weapons. Irisa tries to come along for the fun but is grounded and is forced to work with Berlin in finding the perpetrators. Bummer.
Surprisingly Station Arrowhead was not as abandoned as they thought. Niles Pottinger is in residence tended to by a quartet of Bio-Men in badly knitted sweaters! Welcome to Camp Crazy!
Amanda is left to make a request on behalf of Defiance. Niles agrees to her plea for weapons instantly, however there is one catch. Eve must join her Adam. Pottinger’s crazy slip showed too much when he asks/demands she remain behind in trade.
Ms. Rosewater plays let’s make a deal with Niles right up until she realizes he was her rapist. She forces Pottinger to admit the truth of his attack and in a haze of anger kills Pottinger despite the dead-man switch. Upon his death, Nolan, Amanda and the newly discovered Doggie-doctor were forced to make a run for it leaving the much needed weapons behind. Now what?
Stahma and Datak argue over the best strategy to take in following Rham Taks orders. Daddy Tarr once again leaves the dirty work to his wife. Stahma for her part has the last laugh in the way she intends on delivering the poison to Tivgen.
Lady Tarr, wastes no time in attending to business. She seduces T’evgin and poisons him, however things don’t quite go as planned when she is the one who suffers a little death of her own. The Omec, for his part is very doting afterward which was not decreased by the murder attempt. When he confronts Stahma, she tries the only weapon left to her devices. The truth.
Observations & Questions
• Will Stahma and Tivgen unite? It must be the pancakes!
• What’s up with the headaches Noland and Irisa keep having?
• I’m gonna miss the Bio-men!