Person of Interest Episode 4.19 Search and Destroy
With 4 episodes to go before the end of the season, we know things are going to start getting pretty hot. This week’s episode, while it wasn’t as out-and-out explosive as we’ve seen before, presented us with some interesting nuggets and a bit more insight into what Samaritan is up to, setting up what are sure to be 3 amazing episodes.
Our thoughts on the episode are below, feel free to add yours in the comments!
1) Khan knows about Samaritan!
Cay: Have we seen another character that on their own figured out as much about what was actually going on? And of course when he tells his colleague he sounds like a raving crazy man. And then Greer really lets the cat out of the bag – there are two of them! But then, because it’s Greer, he kills him.
Rueben: Yeah, he gets onto Samaritan by himself – smart guy! – and then his best friend for 30 years thinks he is crazy; however Reese, Finch and Root all know that he’s not. Just a shame that he ended up with Greer, seeing Samaritan with his own eyes as he dies. Groan!
Karen: I’m guessing he’s not the only one. Brilliant minds everywhere and all that. However, as we see here, people are pretty reluctant to say there’s an all-seeing/all-knowing machine out there – and others are even less likely to believe it. Then there’s the whole “it’s watching me” thing, so where and when do you SAY it?
Side note: Aasif Mandvi was amazing as Khan. For anyone that kinda recognizes him but isn’t sure from where, he was a regular correspondent for The Daily Show, and had a small but memorable part in The Proposal.
2) Zoe’s back!
Cay: Paige Turco’s Zoe had been one of my favorite characters since her first episode! Here, though, I thought she was a bit underutilized, although I loved Khan’s line “This isn’t Zoe Morgan bad!”. It seemed like her main purpose was to talk to Reese about his relationship with Iris. I guess I’ll take what I can get, but they did a lot better job with her previous appearances.
Rueben: That was such a treat and such a tease because she wasn’t in much of the episode and in the end did she really serve a purpose to further the story or just, as Cay mentioned, serve the purpose of talking to John about his dating the therapist. Zoe deserves more time than that and better storyline overall.
Karen: I love Zoe SO HARD. It’s been a pleasure to see her back several times this season. I guested on a POI Podcast for the Season Premiere episode, and that was one of the things I wished for. I’m ecstatic my wish came true. She’s snarky, witty, bantery, and quick on her feet – but most of all, she’s on “our” side. She cares about Team Machine, and John in particular. She wants what’s best for him, even if she as a bit of a crush on him. (which I think is probably putting it mildly). Paige Turco 4evah.
3) Samaritan’s looking for the Machine using Khan’s software
Cay: Thank goodness that it didn’t find it – yet. Suddenly Finch’s Trojan that Root destroyed really feels like even more of a loss now with this new bit of news.
Rueben: Exactly, Cay. The Trojan that Finch created could have stopped all of this from happening, but I’m sure that there will be more focus on that in future episodes, as I have a feeling that Samaritan is getting way too close to locating the Machine.
Karen: How brilliant are the writers for this bit of writing, amirite? Finch wrote the code in a proprietary language, which means it’ll look like a virus of sorts, so why not look for it using virus detection technology? Darnit, why did I not see this coming? As someone with a CompSci degree, I should have. Every time I think I’ve got this show figured out, BAM – they go and do something amazing like this. Crazytownawesometiemz.
4) Root and Finch’s animosity didn’t last too long
Cay: Root apparently just can’t stay away! I’m guessing Finch meant that he wanted her to stay away for more than a few days after the whole Trojan-Beth-almost suicide incident. Then again, she, Shaw, and Reese have never really listened to Finch, anyway. It’s funny how when Finch is annoyed at Root he always calls her “Ms Groves” like she’s a teenager getting in trouble at school.
Rueben: I think the animosity was only put on the back-burner in order to try to save Khan’s life. I don’t think that Harold will give up his anger with her just yet.
5) Favorite Scene
Cay: I liked the “family dinner” scene best, with Root, Finch, and Reese non-chalantly eating take-out while Khan is unconscious at the table
Karen: I think runner up would be the casual dinner scene with Khan passed out and drooling as their “guest”, but I really dug the Zoe/John talk in the car. Their relationship is so layered yet simple, and the connection between the two is deep. She knows him like nobody else does. He needs that dose of reality.
Rueben: I have to admit that the scene with Root going tow-to-tow with Martine was really great, but cut short because of John. I want to see Root take that bitch down once and for all.
Cay: Oh yeah, that was pretty awesome and then Reese just sweeps in and grabs Root like she’s a doll and hauls her away. I really hope that Root gets to take her down in the end in some really badass way.
Memorable Quotes:
Maybe a handgun is more your style… – Reese
When the time comes for me to pick up a firearm, all will truly be lost – Finch
Where does a guy go when a God wants him dead? – Root
Not helping, Ms. Groves – Finch
I know an artificial intelligence is trying to kill me, I just don’t know why – Khan
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS!