NICE BOY OF THE WEEK: Alexander Siddig
Many of our readers will recognize Alexander Siddig from his role as Dr. Julian Bashir on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine back in the 1990s, but he’s been working steadily since then. With supporting roles in movies like Kingdom of Heaven and Syriana, starring roles in Cairo Time and Inescapable, and recurring roles in 24, Strike Back, and Da Vinci’s Demons, you’ve probably watched him more than you realized.
This month, Siddig joins the cast of Game of Thrones in the fifth season of HBO’s international blockbuster. He plays Prince Doran Martell, older brother of Oberyn Martell who was one of the casualties of last season.
I’ve known Siddig for more than 15 years (I run his official fansite), and whether he plays a hero, a villain, or somewhere in between, I can vouch that he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet (or see on screen).
I caught up with Siddig recently and asked this week’s Nice Boy a few questions.
What is Doran’s nicest quality?
Alexander Siddig: He listens to his heart which makes it appear as though he listens to everyone.
Is there anything you would change about Doran? If so, what and why?
AS: I never want to change anyone, even fictional people. To me it’s a sign of impatience. Change is inevitable and no doubt Doran will not be immune to it.
What words of wisdom do you live by?
AS: Trite but evergreen: Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Favorite charity?
AS: Normally ‘Medecins Sans Frontièrs’.
What’s the nicest thing a fan has ever done for you?
AS: I cannot remember any single act of kindness but I have enjoyed the company of many fans who have had the good sense to treat me like a stranger who just might be worth knowing.
Game of Thrones premieres Sunday, April 12 at 9/8c on HBO. Siddig can be seen later this year in the upcoming miniseries TUT on Spike.