History Channel
VIKINGS 3.07 – ‘Paris’ Floki’s In Charge!
Rangar arrives on the doorstep of Paris and I wonder if he glared at Floki the whole way. Did you notice the good luck charm he wears? Athelstan forever remains close to the Northmans heart.
Paris is in a panic from the impending invasion. Count Odo is brought before the king and urges him to flee the city. Thank goodness the King has a daughter made of steel and she convinces her father to hold fast.
Rollo rows right up to the castle walls to check out their defenses. Those shields are handy and make for a most excellent game of peek-a-boo with the Frenchmen. In this episode the brother is mostly eye candy. I’m good with that. He did make a very striking pose at the end.
Ebert is a genius schemer, so much so, he convinces his son of guilt over Judith’s infidelity. Speaking of Judith, her new hairstyle covers up the missing ear quite well. The absent body part didn’t seem to bother Ecbert in the least. The kiss after he paid her a visit was quite un-fatherly.
Athelwulf is sent once again to do his fathers bidding and visits Princess Kwenthrith to ensure her loyalty. I swear, that man is forever sending his son into the fire in the hopes he will be burned! The prince for his part is most assuredly drinking the Kool-aid and dutifully performs the given task. However, nothing prepared them for the bomb she droped in revealing her baby daddy! It’s true folks! Ragnar has another son! Good grief! That guy has some amazing little swimmers!
Ragnar places Floki in charge of the attack on Paris and I smell a rat. Floki for his part leaps at the opportunity and although he gets a bit gobsmacked during the council, and has a hangry moment with Helga, he pulls it all off beautifully! Crazy trumps all, and no one does crazy better than Floki.
• Porunn’s spirit was damaged far more than her face in the last battle. If she keeps pushing Bjorn away he will go.
• I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop with Ragnar and Floki. I don’t think I could stand the death of yet another major character this season no matter what Floki has done.
• Kalf and Lagertha will never be best buddies. The wound runs too deep.