History Channel
VIKINGS 3.06 – ‘Born Again’ A Devastating Loss.
Ragnar has his sights set on Paris and Athelstan fuels the fire. Folk is not convinced his plans are blessed by Odin and introduces a messenger bearing very bad news. The settlement in Wessex is gone. Destroyed. The Viking King was heartbroken, so much so, he killed the messenger. Despite his best efforts, I don’t think he’s gonna be able to keep that secret for very long.
Floki is determined to bring Ragnar back to Odin’s embrace. He hates the Viking King’s friendship with Athelstan. It was clear when Ragnar gave him the crazy eyes, that no one was going to interfere with that bromance!
Porunn is screaming. The baby is coming and she fears it will be as deformed as she feels herself to be. Bjorn is thrilled with his perfect newborn daughter and names her Siggy. I must admit. That scene brought made my eyes water.
The postpartum depression adds to Porunn’s misery as she sets Bjorn up with another woman. I miss the fierce warrior she once was. Here’s to hoping she finds the way back to herself.
Judith gives birth to a bouncing baby boy and Lord Athelwof forgot the celebratory “It’s a boy!” balloons. He did, however, remember to have her dragged out for adultery. These guys take A Scarlet Letter to a new level demanding her nose and ears as payment. Judith lasts much longer than I ever would, and after the loss of one ear, reveals her baby daddy! The poor thing was simply a pawn in Ecbert’s sick game. He saves Lady Judith’s life by declaring her infidelity was ordained by God himself.
Auslag is having nightmares and regrets her actions. Ragnar is still angry, but not about the affair. He cannot forgive her placing his children in danger.
Athestan is also having trouble sleeping. He is awakened and experiences a Come-To-Jesus Moment. Immediately upon recovery, he renounces Odin and claims Christ as the one true God. This revelation does not go over well with the Vikings. Ragnar tires his best to defend his friend, but even he is taken aback when the priest threw away his love token. Truly these men shared a special bond and it is clear that Ragnar’s life was altered forever by their friendship.
The gods are very busy this episode and Floki finally receives the sign he was looking for from Odin. He races away in a rage and makes a beeline straight to Athestan’s tent. Never one for conversation, Floki promptly beats Athelstan to death in one fell blow. Athelstan for his part, did not bat an eye. He freely gave himself over to death and received the gift of martyrdom.
Ragnar takes his friend on one last journey. He carries Athelstan to the highest nearby peak and buries his friend as close to his god as possible. Seeing the Viking King speak honestly to his dead friend was heartbreaking and devastatingly beautiful at the same time. Ragnar reveals,“I hate you for leaving me.” I couldn’t agree more. First Siggy dies and now this? A & E promised this weeks episode would be memorable and they didn’t lie. It will take me awhile to mourn this death. I cannot imagine Vikings without Athelstan.
Observations & Questions:
• Ragnars smile said “hello” while his eyes said “die!” King Horik’s son was a surprise!
• What did Ragnar mean when he said, “Forgive me my friend, not for what I have done, but for what I am about to do.’
• Love the addition of the Mountain that is Sigfreid! Ragnar’s expression was priceless!
• Where the heck did Ragnar find the Frenchman? Under a rock?