History Channel
VIKINGS 3.01 – ‘Mercenary’ Happiness bites
Lagertha pays a visit to the Seer with frustrating results. The Seer makes no apologies: “It is the way of prophesy only to be understood when it has happened and it is too late to change it.” In the face of the unknown the Earl does what any good Viking does, go raiding. Unfortunately while she is away the mice will play and her lands may be in possession of another. I’m not sure King Ragnar will like that scenario.
Ragnar waxes poetic in waiting for the spring thaw in advance of their return to Wessex, “Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worse and corrupts the best. I never asked for power. Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.”
Not everyone is so calm in their waiting. Contentment feels funny on Floki. And, atthough he and Helga have a child together, the peace grates Flaky Floki’s nerves. “I’ feel trapped in all this happiness.”
Former slave, Porunn has changed much and is now a formidable warrior anxious to prove herself in battle much to Bjorn’s consternation. He is concerned for her safety and that of their unborn child. I’m thinking if they are both to go, each would be a distraction to the other unless they are split up.
Everyone is united when the horn sounds for departure. Poor happiness plagued Floki couldn’t board the ship fast enough. Ragnar left with a very troubled Aslaug behind. Their youngest son Ivar is a splinter in their unity. It will be interesting to see what becomes of that little one as the storyline unfolds.
The group lands in Wessex and is asked by King Ecbert to make war on his enemies instead of farm the land they were promised. It is agreed Athelstan and Lagertha remain behind to settle the land while the others raid.Ragnar assents to the arrangement knowing full well his people are being used by King Ecbert. Methinks the King has underestimated the tenacity of his new friends.
This theory is well proven when in the end with Ragnar’s battle strategy in Mercia. Floki cemented their victory and secured his own kind of happiness when he killed Princess Kwenthrith’s uncle and snagged a crown. The dear Princess doesn’t have a clue who she’s dealing with. One could almost feel sorry for her. Almost.