AGENT CARTER – “A Sin to Err” {Roundtable}
Sorry this roundtable is so late – real life got in my way far too often this week.
But just before the penultimate episode, have our thoughts on “A Sin to Err”.
1. Our new Russian psychiatrist is telling all Levithan’s secrets and now Peggy’s telling her whole story, but is it really the time for her to chase that lead to its end and face off with Dottie so soon? Especially when we learn that the psychiatrist isn’t a convert and supplying Dottie with details to kill Peggy.
Rueben: Since there are only two episodes left, they have to start speeding up the story to bring it to some kind of conclusion or at least bring this part of the story to a conclusion. I want to be optimistic that ABC will bring the show back for a second season. So, it’s important that we start getting more reveals. It looks like there is going to be a bigger showdown with Dottie coming up.
Liz: With only 2 episodes left of the season, yes. I think they are moving things along at a pace that makes sense, keeps us interested and doesn’t waste time. Also, I think that the psychiatrist is only telling what he wants Dooley to know.
Louise: Part of me thinks this is a little premature, but I can see why the fight should logically be in the next episode rather than the finale. But that doesn’t mean I like the idea of Dottie vs Peggy so soon when Peggy’s still missing critical information.
2. Souza’s on the right track with the man who Peggy beat up. With Peggy on her own mission, this seems to put her in a dangerous position. Will Souza be able to see the bigger picture when faced with Peggy’s “betrayal?”
Rueben: If Peggy can get them to listen to her, I think Souza will be the only one to hear what she has to say. He is the only one, quite frankly, who will pick up on all the intricacies of what Stark asked her to do and that he isn’t selling weapons.
Liz: As we saw in this episode, nope, Souza doesn’t see any big picture. He doesn’t really know that there is one. All he knows is what the evidence shows him: that Peggy is a traitor. I think that by the time Souza or any of them come around to actually listening to Peggy and believing her, it will be too late. Somethin’ bad about to happen, y’all.
Louise: I have less faith in Souza after what he did to Peggy, but there’s still a glimmer of hope every now and again. I mean, he did let her leave his sight, but he’s still not buying her story (which is a shame).
3. On a scale of one to ten, how satisfying was watching Jarvis be hit so many times?
Rueben: I actually felt sorry for Jarvis getting slapped in lieu of those women actually wanting to slap Stark; but that being said it was oddly comical watching him take it. If I have to score it, then I’d give it a 5.
Liz: 1 on the satisfaction scale. I like Jarvis and it really should have been Stark getting those smacks. How many other people have taken hits for Howard Stark? I’d say if it were Stark getting those slaps it would raise my satisfaction level to 10. It did provide some comedy relief though.
Louise: It was a 3 for me, because it was good the first time to watch Jarvis get something for his role in all these women being dumped, but it did get old after so many women did it. I don’t envy being Anna Jarvis that night when he came home to explain it all.
4. Related to the last question, what’s your rating of Peggy’s take-down of her fellow SSR officers?
Rueben: She did what she had to do in an attempt to get away; and given just how well trained she is, she used all of her skills to take those men down. I’d give that move a 9.
Liz: 10 +++++! Do NOT mess with Peggy Carter.
Louise: 10! Would watch again.
5. Angie’s acting skills have been wasted on all the auditions she’s been going on, but that’s one powerful performance for Souza and Thompson. Do you think that Angie will be let in on Peggy’s secret later?
Rueben: Angie did a superb job breaking down with all of those agents, helping Peggy evade them, even if it was only temporary. If there is enough time, Angie might be brought in on Peggy’s secret. I’m just not sure if that will happen in the final two episodes, though.
Liz: I don’t know if they’ll let her in, but I think they should. She’d be a great aid to Peggy.
Louise: Peggy could use a bit more help with her acting so I secretly want Angie to help her there, but I doubt Peggy can afford to let civilians in like that.
6. The Russian psychiatrist is one bad guy. Is there a part of you that thinks he trained Dottie and her ilk? Does Dottie’s knock-out kiss confirm or contradict your theory?
Rueben: As they were going over those blueprints in Dooley’s office, I started to wonder if he was legit or not. Obviously seeing the non-verbal exchange between the psychiatrist and Dottie, it was clear he is dangerous. He could very well be the head of the Black Widow program. That kiss is my confirmation that Dottie was doing what the psychiatrist wanted: to kill her. If the agents hadn’t shown up, she probably would have done it.
Liz: I think we’re talking about 2 branches of Russian “military” here. Leviathan is one and the pre-Black Widow program is another that Leviathan is using. Again, I think the pre-Black Widow program is the muscle. So no, I don’t think that Ivchenko trained Dottie and those girls.
Louise: There’s some connect between them, but it’s bothering me that I don’t know what it is. I want to think that they must be part of the same program, but he could just be a good man for manipulating people.
7. Favorite moment?
Rueben: Angie’s “act” to save Peggy was priceless and my favorite moment. I laughed out loud over that moment.
Liz: The fight in the automat, naturally! I also loved the little exchange between Thompson and Souza after Peggy ran off. Way to throw it right back into Thompson’s face, Souza!
Louise: Even if it wasn’t as satisfying as I’d like, Jarvis being kicked constantly.
8. Rate the episode, 1-5 red hats, with 5 being excellent and 1 being a major fail.
Rueben: I will easily give this episode a 4 ½ red hats for a job well done; Angie’s “act” was the icing on the cake while Peggy taking those SSR men done was amazing to watch and best of all, Peggy knocking out Thompson and Souza actually letting her go. Great job!
Liz: I’ll give this one a 4. It moved the story along really nicely and Angie was used really well. I didn’t like Dooley’s crack to Souza about not going easy on Peggy just because she’s a woman. Really? Because he never did, right?
Louise: I’ll go with a 4 for being action-packed and creepy.