Person of Interest 4.14 Guilty
After weeks of mythology-heavy episodes, it was fun to go back to basics with this episode and get back to a Finch-and-Reese-save-the-numbers plot. We both loved this episode, as you’ll see in our discussion below. Tell us what you thought in the comments!
1) The return of Zoe
Karen: I was LITERALLY asking hubs about Zoe a few weeks ago. Wondering when we’d see her again. POOF… here she is. I. LOVE. HER. And seeing her deduce that John might be into someone else was priceless. Of course I had no idea he was into The Doc, but then I didn’t know he was that into Carter until she was in the crosshairs.
Zoe is amazing in her role as the extractor of powerful people, and I really dig her on the show. Paige Turco just radiates off the screen, and it’s hard to take my eyes off her when she guest stars.
Cay: Zoe has always been my favorite recurring female character on the show. I actually like her more than both Root and Shaw. She’s strong and powerful, but not in the violent way that Shaw and Root are. She wields her power with her brain rather than a weapon. I asked showrunner Greg Plageman at New York Comic Con if we were going to see her again and all he would say is basically that they’d like to have her back. SO GLAD that they did bring her back (he likely knew that she’d be back by that point and was just trying to placate me without giving anything away).
Turco and Caviezel have great chemistry. I feel like even though she doesn’t know Reese that well, Zoe *gets* him.
2) Fusco refusing to be left out, and standing up to Reese
Karen: I say GOOD FOR YOU Fusco! He’s in this whether he likes it or not, and he effing wants to do his part! They dragged him in kicking and screaming, but now he has nothing to lose. They’ll get him whether he helps or not, right? Might as well add his strengths to the team. Besides, they’re down a [wo]man, and you don’t just turn down help when you need it.
Harold has made a couple of wrong turns this season because the Machine has let him down, but he needs to buck up and let his team take some of trhe burden. They know the risks they’re taking. It’s not just about the individuals anymore, it’s about the bigger picture – and Fusco sees it.
Cay: Although he’s never vocalized it, Fusco must have some idea of what’s going on at this point. He’s seen too much to think that Finch and Reese just come upon their information. He clearly knows the stakes, and he’s part of the team and he’s not going to let them treat him as if he’s not.
3) A Samaritan-free/mythology free episode with just Reese and Finch on their own
Karen: It was nice to get a mythos free almost-bottle episode this week. I got a 12 Angry Men vibe from it, and also… WORLD’S COLLIDING! You got Fringe in my Lost! You got Lost in my Fringe! Two great tastes that taste great together! Blair Brown – I mean, I’ve missed her on my TV machine. She was a great foil for Michael Emerson, and when they do the “is she good or bad” thing, that’s just classic POI. Then put the bad guy in the room too and BLAM! Messy goodness.
Cay: This episode reminded me of a season 1 episode, before things got so complicated. Just Reese, Finch, a little bit of help from their friends, and an engaging plot. I think Finch would be a nightmare on a real jury in some ways because he’s so smart and so analytical. He’d either be miserable, or he’d drive everyone else insane, I imagine. The writers tweeted during the episode that 12 Angry Men was an inspiration for the episode, so you are right on with that one.
This episode was just well-written – engaging, with clear stakes, and they had to basically figure it out the old fashioned way to save an innocent woman. Loved the laser sight morse code, the joking. It had a someone lighthearted feel that we just haven’t gotten in a while from POI, and that frankly I’ve missed.
4) Reese and his therapist
Cay: I do think that Reese could use some therapy (can’t help but thinking about his failed session with an undercover Root way back when), but I’m not sure I like the “love-interest-therapist”. Yeah, maybe he’ll open up to her, but I have a hard time believing that she’d be unprofessional enough to flirt with him as she seems to be, unless she is playing him to try to get him to trust her so she can help him. As a therapist or as a love interest, it seems like there’s just too much that he’ll never be able to tell her, whereas someone like Zoe I feel he could tell his whole story to.
Karen: I think he needs this. Although I’m shocked he admits it to himself AND to her. I also have to wonder what it’ll do for his ability to help with the numbers and getting Shaw back. Is it going to soften up our big lug? There might be lasting repercussions, and not all of them good for the team, even if they’re good for John’s psyche. Something else is that he seems to fall in love with his killing partners quite easily. I’m guessing that won’t get addressed on the show, but hey, you never know. (Kara, Carter, & Zoe, Not to mention Bromances with Harold & Fusco? LOL)
Cay: Well, Carter had a great heart and Zoe is smoking hot (her brains/wit as much as her body), so no problem seeing how a man could fall for either. Kara, she was a nutter, but maybe it was one of those “intense circumstances” kind of relationships.
5) Favorite line/scene
Karen: Harold telling the judge how he feels about The Machine watching over everyone and the courtroom looking at him like he’s a loon… priceless! If only he could tell them it’s completely true. *sigh*
Cay: Yes! I loved that line! I also loved the scene when Finch comes to John’s apartment (?) and finds him and Zoe there. The morse code scene also a favorite. Frankly, its hard to pick a favorite as the whole episode was so much fun!
Memorable Quotes:
No, I can’t think of anything that would prejudice me in this case, well except for the larger issues in our government – Finch
Issues? – Judge
…because we’re all being watched by an intelligent supercomputer that is slowly but surely taking over the world – Finch
They didn’t give me mandatory sessions because I’m good at following rules – Reese
John! Please tell me that you didn’t just shoot someone else – Iris
I know a lot of ways to kill people, Harold – Reese
Zoe’s not exactly what I’d call innocent. Besides, she insisted – Reese
And saying no to Ms. Morgan was never your strong suite. – Finch
Harold, this isn’t science, it’s law. Rational thought doesn’t apply – Zoe
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays, at 10/9c on CBS!