Person of Interest 4.13 M.I.A
POI has so few episodes that have taken place outside of New York City that it’s always intriguing to see what happens when they leave the city’s confines. Although the “eerily perfect small town with a dark secret” has definitely been done before, POI‘s take on it was still a lot of fun.
Feel free to chime in with the comments on your thoughts on these topics or others!
1) Samaritan’s giant game of The Sims
Karen: Maple is the strangest happy small town ever. I mean, a HOOLIGAN?! I NEVER!! We all knew Samaritan was at work, but I feel like they were all Stepford people even without the control, and then… ACK IMPLANTS!
So, where Finch taught The Machine through his own morality, Samaritan is becoming self-taught via human petri dish.
Cay: I haven’t heard of anyone playing The Sims for years, but as soon as what Samaritan is doing in Maple was revealed, that was the first thing that came to mind. Rigging the stock market was one thing, but literally taking control of the details of the lives of everyone in a whole town speaks of a power well beyond just being well connected with technology. It’s hard to even imagine having the power to make a gas station attendant mayor, make a homeless person win the lottery, “resurrect” a “dead woman” as your servant, and to basically take over an entire town. How can that kind of power possibly be stopped? And what are they really putting in the Kool-aid in Maple that everyone thinks they are so happy?
2) Parallels between how Reese and Shaw acted after Carter’s death vs Reese and Shaw
Cay: Root and Reese have never really gotten along, so it’s interesting to see them actually working together as a team. It’s interesting that Root is now acting similar to how Reese and Shaw acted after Carter died, while Reese tries to rein her in and keep her from doing anything too rash. Reese and Finch are obviously much more willing to accept that Shaw is likely dead than Root. I’m kind of amazed that they’ve been able to stay under the radar of Samaritan despite their “mayhem” in the words of Finch.
3) Root’s disillusionment with the Machine (again)
Karen: I hate to repeat myself, but you guys know I’m not Root’s biggest fan. However, I feel terrible about her angst over the search for Shaw. She’s on a mission, and The Machine is *literally* telling her to stop. It’s like her best friend is telling her to shut up and get over the person she loves already, when she’s still grieving and not ready to move on. True betrayal.
Cay: We saw Root turn her life around to serve the Machine, then get disillusioned, then jump right back on board trusting completely, and even acting as the Machine’s avatar in meetings with Samaritan. Now she’s back to potentially not trusting the Machine, and she’s still the main communication portal between Team Machine and the Machine. I’m also wondering why the Machine wants her to stop looking. To protect Shaw, to protect Root? Does the Machine even know that she’s still alive?
4) The revelation that Shaw is alive, and seemingly reasonably well
Karen: I’m shocked we learn so quickly about Shaw as well. Not an unwelcome shock though. When is Greer (the unholy spawn of the War Doctor and Emperor Palpatine – I still maintain this) going to get his comeuppance?
Cay: Yes, I had the impression that they were going to drag it out all season with us having no idea of her fate, particularly after seeing interviews with the creators after the If-Now-Then aired. But, it appears that they were intentionally misleading, which I can’t say surprises me with POI. We know she’s going away for the rest of her pregnancy, so I’m curious to see how long they drag it out now that we know that she’s alive as Sarah Shahi won’t be available for at least a few months.
As I’ve said before, my prediction is that Samaritan will eventually turn on Greer, but I have no idea how long that will take.
5) Other thoughts
Karen: Chief Wick: doucheball, and nice gesture with the lock n’ load. *eyeroll*. It was pleasant seeing Root salivate over her revenge.
Fusco isn’t keeping up with his Hitch treatment wardrobe (see: “Wingman”) Or was this just a symbol of his malaise. (or what I suspect might be PTSD over seeing Shaw shot in front of him, especially after everything he’s been through with Finch, Reese, et. al.)
Reese hadn’t heard of Schrödinger’s cat?
Cay: Yeah, I made the same comment on Twitter during the episode about Fusco’s style (or lack of it!).
Wick definitely got a bit of what is coming to him. What a sleaze! What I can’t figure out is how Root actually managed to drag him up a flight of stairs solo!
The secondary plotline, with Fusco and that seemingly unlikely but really successful hitman was also good, although it definitely took a back seat to “the Hunt for Shaw” and the events in Maple. Nice to see Officer Silva back – I wasn’t sure that we’d see her again. Speaking of, I’m still hoping they will bring Fusco’s boss, Captain Moreno (Monique Gabriela Curnen) back.
Okay, I’ll admit I had to Google Schrödinger’s cat to refresh my own memory, so I’m not going to criticize Reese for that!
Memorable Quotes:
She can’t fault us for lack of effort. You’ve caused mayhem over five states! – Finch
Unless Samaritan likes hot chocolate and cider, we may have taken the wrong turn – Reese
Don’t judge a town by its cider. Monsters love small towns – Root
I’m good with computers – Root
You elevate abduction to an art – Reese
Bullets go great with tea – Officer Silva
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS!