Top Ten Posts of 2014
It’s already 7 days into the new year and we’re getting ready for the busy winter premiere season. The excitement is tangible as new shows that we’ve been looking forward to, as well as returning favorites, keep us glued to our TV’s and firing up our DVR’s. With all of that happening we wanted to reflect a bit on last year and share with you, our devoted readers, our top ten posts from 2014.
Top 10 Most Viewed Posts
1 – 3: Boy do you guys like your CASTLE! Our top three posts that you all loved to see were about spoilers and episodic photos from ABC’s Castle. 7,666 of you flocked to our site when Karen posted the spoilers for Castle‘s seventh season premiere, “Driven“. 5,022 of you came back for episode 7×07, “Once Upon a Time in the West” spoilers. And 4,083 dropped in to see the photos from episode 7×06, “Time of Our Lives“. Whew!
4: The Stars Align for Romance in “One Starry Christmas” [Preview]. 1,860 jumped into the holiday spirit with the Hallmark Channel’s “One Starry Christmas”.
5: PBS Debuts “The Making of a Lady” [Preview]. 1,535 vintage mystery/romance lovers out there were interested in what we had to say about the PBS made-for-TV movie.
6: Castle 6×16 “Room 147” Promo Photos And Summary. (1,318) Once again our Castle fans came back when we posted the official episode photos and synopsis for “Room 147”, which aired back in February.
7: THE GOOD WITCH’S WONDER: A Magical Story About Love, Forgiveness And Renewal. (1,111) Many of you were as enchanted as we were with the return of Catherine Bell in “The Good Witch’s Wonder”.
8: Outlander (The Morning After) Recap: The Wedding. (780) We have a lot of romantics visiting our site. Many of you who are also huge fans of the book series migrated here during the Starz television series.
9: DOMINION Interview With Tom Wisdom & Roxanne McKee. Secrets, Twitter, Relationships & Giggles. (751) So many of you stopped in to read Mynda’s interview with Tom and Roxanne. Perhaps wondering if they’d accidentally drop a spoiler or two?
10: Ryan McPartlin, Erin Krakow Take A CHANCE AT ROMANCE {PHOTOS}. (720) We have a lot of visitors whenever we post anything from The Hallmark Channel, and this time was no different. I’m sure many Chuck fans were included in the numbers for this special Valentine’s Day movie.
And there you have it! What were some of your favorite posts from NiceGirlsTV? What would you like to see more of? Shout them out in the comments below!