This week’s POI, the first of a series of 3 episodes, really ratcheted up the intensity. Check out our discussion of Cold War here. When the show comes back in two weeks, on January 6th, it looks like it’s going to be epic (and potentially the cause of panic attacks in devoted viewers!)
I’ve been predicting another major death for a while (my bets are on Shaw, especially after she promised Bear that she’d return), but the preview for next week suggests that potentially none of our heroes will survive. While I think it unlikely that they kill off everyone, we already know that the showrunners have no problem killing off beloved major characters (RIP Joss Carter!), so all of Team Machine surviving the next two episodes seems unlikely.
Missed the preview after the episode or want to watch it again? If so, you’re in luck! CBS has a slightly longer version of the teaser for the January 6th episode posted here. (I wasn’t able to embed the video directly, sorry!). Watch at your own risk, and don’t blame me if you find your thoughts during the holidays straying towards who is going to survive!
Watch all new episodes of Person of Interest starting Tuesday, January 6th, at 10/9c on CBS!