THE GOOD WIFE – 6.09 ‘Sticky Content’ Death Threats & Dinosaurs
Alicia’s Campaign is working on their ads. It seems there are two choices, both of them bad. Play on the voters emotions by using Will’s death or a walk with the dinosaurs implying Prady is a closeted homosexual. Geez! I feel smarmy just watching this unfold!
Frank Prady goes to Alicia under a white flag toting a box of dirt. He wants to run a clean race, but Alicia is mistrustful. I must say if Frank is telling the truth and wants to do this election differently it would be a great big breath of fresh air.
Try as she might Alicia couldn’t resist looking into “The Box” which revealed Peter in bed with his new legal advisor and “old friend” Ramona. Ms. Florrick tried taking the high road with Ramona, however seeing is believing and after observing the two together, her anger won out.
Peter admitted nothing which only inflamed the situation more and left us doubting what was really going on. Alicia ended the argument perfectly: “Zip up your pants. Shut your mouth and stop banging the help.” Go Alicia!
Meanwhile Prady’s camp were the first to sling mud which resulted in more back-door conversations between the two candidates. Frank admitted “They’re going to drag us into the pit Alicia. What do we do?” Ms. Florrik’s one word answer spoke volumes. “Resist.”
Wouldn’t it be awesome if both of them teamed up against their own campaign teams? Now that would be interesting!
Amid all this swirling campaign posturing Cary’s case continues. Chicago FBI Field office Agent Harper comes appears with a fig leaf to Cary in the form of Lana and a wiretap of Lemond Bishop threatening to kill Cary. Sadly the gravity of the situation was lessened by the appearance of Kalinda’s newest squeeze. Kudos to you Cary for pointing that out.
After receiving his very own bodyguard, and envisioning his death in several brutal manners, Cary has had enough and decides to confront Bishop in an effort to uncover the truth of the situation. After a tense conversation, Bishop admitted the statement but it bore not teeth.
Even cold blooded criminals make statements they don’t mean out of frustration. Is that true? One thing I know is real was his last statement to Cary. “You don’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you.” That my friends, is crystal!
• I love Eli’s daugher, “The Body Woman.” Having her speak aloud what we were all thinking is wonderful. If I had someone by my side offering pithy comments and odd snacks throughout the day, life would be good indeed.
• When rattled we gravitate to those we trust most. Alicia went to Polmar. I can’t wait to see what happens with these two when the progress beyond the brief hand-holding.
• Lana should have known better. Kalinda is poison to the lives of those she sleeps with.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com