Thanksvember: Megan Follows
November is a month for giving thanks, and this year we TV lovers have a lot to be thankful for, so we’re posting a note of gratitude every day this month. Get the whole list here.
Today Melissa is thankful for…
Megan Follows! I’ve had a girl crush on her since Anne of Green Gables, through numerous other series and guest appearances, and now as a Queen Catherine on Reign. When I had the opportunity to meet her at Comic Con a few months ago, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to; what if she was a jerk in real life? (That’s happened on a couple of occasions, and as a result, the actor’s show has dropped out of coverage here at NGTV.)
Imagine my delight to discover that the real Megan Follows is personable, articulate, and an all around lovely person. I’m not 100% sure what I said when I interviewed her for Reign (you can watch the video at My Take on TV as I was pinch-hitting for Amrie in the press room), but I remember sharing a moment of awe with Melissa from The Televixen afterward. AND THEN…Megan heard that we were quietly freaking out about having talked to her, so she came back over and took a photo with us!
Comic Con could have ended right then and it would have been a success in my mind. Watch Megan Follows on Reign every Thursday at 9/8c on the CW.