The Good Wife – 6.06 ‘Old Spice’ God, Bodice Ripping & Air Quotes
The newly formed campaign proceeds full steam ahead which leaves Alicia and her faith, or lack thereof, up for inspection. Call in the calvary! Once again, Grace comes to the rescue and prepares her mother for the interview with Pastor Jeremiah.
And, even though Alicia dislikes pretending to be someone she is not, you could never tell from the interview. This has me a little concerned that our heroine might become infected by the same hypocrisy she detests in others.
Back in the courtroom Elsbeth and Alicia are united in their defense against AUSA Josh Perotti, however, the real story is to be found between our quirky ginger and Perotti. It seems the two are birds of an equally colorful feather and their attraction can no longer be denied.
This led to delightfully kooky scenes in which we learn about Elsbeth’s fear of sidewalk grates and their mutual smelling attraction with Old Spice and baby lotion. Creepy cool. Their relationship culminated in dual bodice ripping accompanied by Carly Ray Jepsen’s ‘Call Me Maybe.”
Diane makes good on her promise to evict Lockhart,Gardner and Canning. Despite some legal wiggling from LG & C, Louis didn’t stand a chance with a united Diane and Kalinda. The idea to add Howard Lyman is genius on a thousand levels. Now, we get to enjoy Captain Underpants create havoc on a whole new level! I can’t wait!
Observations & Giggles.
• “Yes, but just to be clear I put air quotes around bitchy.”
Well, that makes all the difference in the world!
• Diane’s laughter whilst watching Captain Underpants sleeping on the sofa was a beautiful thing.
• I really enjoyed the Mother Daughter moment between Alicia and Grace. Their conversation about God was a perfect example of loving tolerance to differing point of views.
• No one dresses up a pig ilke Diane! “When one is pursing excellence, does timing really matter?” Priceless.
• Josh Perotti: Baby Lotion! I couldn’t get the smell of you out of my mind!
Elsbeth Tascioni: Damn you Old Spice! To hell!
Thank you ‘The Good Wife!” Baby oil and Old Spice will never be the same again!
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com