PERSON OF INTEREST: Kevin Chapman and Michael Emerson at New York Comic Con {Video}
Person of Interest films in New York and we were treated to both a panel and a press room at New York Comic Con two weeks ago. You can see my report of the panel here. Jim Caviezel attended the panel, but not the press room, so we got to talk with Amy Acker (Root), Michael Emerson (Finch), Kevin Chapman (Fusco), and Executive Producer Greg Plageman.
The cast and creators of POI are all great to chat with and the POI press rooms are always a good time.
Some highlights of our conversation with Emerson and Chapman (warning: potential spoilers):
- We weren’t the only ones that appreciated that Finch seemed to be channeling Ben Linus (Emerson’s character from LOST) in a few scenes this season (particularly when he was masquerading as “The Egret” in episode 4.03.
- Chapman is enjoying Fusco’s new partnership with Reese – a little payback is definitely due, but Fusco is likely going to spend a lot of his time covering for Reese
- Both Emerson and Fusco love the new subway lair set – the detail, the history, how they got the subway car – all amazing
- Emerson, choosing his words carefully, told us that Finch will be going abroad for “business” in an upcoming episode and we meet a new character there (sorry, Grace fans, he’s not going to Italy!)
- Emerson would like to see more Finch back story in terms of how he made his fortune
- This season is kind of like “a shout out to analogue” – just because it’s not new, doesn’t mean it won’t work
- Finch has stopped judging Root, partly because he can’t escape her at this point, and partly because she loves the Machine, which is kind of his “techno child” (this was before episode 5 aired, which really made this point clear)
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS!