POI 4.04: Brotherhood
It’s been a busy week for many of the Nice Girls, which means I have a “roundtable” of one this week, and I’m posting it awfully late! So, here are my somewhat delayed thoughts on a few points from Tuesday’s episode and I encourage you to be my knights in shining armor and contribute your thoughts in the comments.
This week’s talking points:
1) Agent Lennox double-cross
Cay: While I didn’t see this coming, I just didn’t like her from the beginning (that should have been my first clue!). You’d think Reese would be a little bit smarter about such things with his experience. Their interactions with each other just didn’t do it for me, although obviously we were supposed to think that there was some chemistry going on between them. I did appreciate that karma caught up with her pretty fast, though.
2) Reese with the kids
Cay: I always love the contrast between badass, solemn, quiet Reese and kids. The episode with him and the baby a few seasons ago, for example. The fact that the girl was so adorable only made it sweeter. His “man up” talk was also a great moment. His trading himself for Malcom, while noble, just came off as stupid – what was to stop the Brotherhood from shooting him immediately, and then going after the kids?
3) The BIG twist – Shaw broke Dominic out of police custody, then purposely let him escape
Cay: OK, I also totally didn’t see this one coming, but it was pretty clever. Obviously Dominic is very smart and is going to be a force to be reckoned with if he managed to fool Shaw. You could argue that he likely would have gotten out of police custody before long, even having been found shot at a drug deal gone wrong, but I still get the feeling that this will come to be another circumstance that the team will very much regret later, much like when Samaritan took control because Finch was unwilling to kill the Congressman. The team better correct this mistake before they realize that they “saved” Malcolm only to have him drawn back into the drama in a potentially even more risky way.
4) Favorite scene
Cay: I really enjoyed the Elias-Finch scenes in the subway train. It’s such an interesting relationship because Elias is everything Finch is against, Yet, in a way, he’s also pretty honorable and their uneasy truce is fascinating. Elias once again proves that he’s also pretty perceptive in that he’s realized that something big is afoot. I do wonder how Finch will feel when the sure to come war between Elias and Dominic takes out some collateral damage.
Overall thoughts:
Cay: Meh. After spending Sunday afternoon in the press room and the panel for POI at New York Comic Con, I was really excited for this episode, but I have to say, that it just didn’t work for me – it turned out to be one of my least favorite episodes in several seasons. It certainly advanced the plot and introduced this season’s human Big Bad, but the whole episode just seemed slow moving and just frustrating, I guess.
Favorite Quotes:
Are you placing a dinner order, or is there a reason for your call? – Reese to Fusco
‘Cause we’re going to play hide’n’seek. Don’t worry, I’m really good at this game! – Reese