PERSON OF INTEREST: New York Comic Con Panel
By now, regular readers have figured out that I’m kind of obsessed with Person of Interest. And the best thing about being a Nice Girl is that I frequently get to act on my obsession by going to cool places like San Diego Comic Con, and this past weekend, New York Comic Con, to gather more information about the show. Sunday was a feast of POI riches with both a panel and a press room.
The panel, featuring Kevin Chapman, Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson, Amy Acker, and Executive Producer Greg Plageman was SO MUCH FUN that I didn’t even feel the slightest bit sad that I was indoors on a lovely fall day! We also got some great scoop and spoilers for the rest of the season.
***Danger, here there be [mild] spoilers***
Some highlights:
- Caviezel and Chapman are enjoying their partnership – the “Laurel & Hardy of cops”, says Chapman
- The cover jobs are fun – Finch struggles to “dumb down” to his student’s level (Acker says she often has to look stuff up to understand her scenes with him). Meanwhile, Riley (Reese) is about to run into some issues with Internal Affairs who get sick of him constantly shooting people. Apparently he’s going to be sent to see a police psychiatrist, which should be very entertaining.
- The Root and Shaw “womance” – Acker cracks that it all started out with some curling iron torture, and she’s not sure if it was planned for them to get so close, or if it just kind of happened. She isn’t quite sure exactly what their relationship is
- Plageman is surprised how forgiving the audience is – they seem to have forgotten certain character’s homicidal pasts. Emerson (gesturing to Acker): “yeah, she cut my hand with a razor blade!” Acker: “you liked it!”. Viewers also seem to have forgiven Elias a number of deaths (not to mention Reese, Fusco, Shaw…)
- There will be a showdown in episode 5 between Samaritan and the Machine and it takes the form of an epic gun battle involving Root. Things are going to get A LOT worse before they get better, Plageman promises.
- There will also be a showdown between Elias and Dominic, who is the leader of the Brotherhood, the gang we saw in the first episode of the season, whose cell phone network our heroes have stolen.
- The cast loves all the filming around the city, at least until winter. Emerson: when it’s frigid and you’ve been outside for hours ” your lingual nerve goes first and then it’s hard to speak”. Caviezel: “see! he even talks like Finch!”
- Finch and Fusco “have so much fun together because their tastes are so similar” – Emerson
- We’ll see flashbacks to how Finch built the Machine. He is still very uneasy with the ethics of the Machine, but “it’s nice to receive missiles and bags of cash”. (Plageman suggested the missile will be put to good use later in the season.)
- Caviezel was in quite an ebullient mood and ended up kissing three female audience members by the end of the panel. The first one brought him a gift and then kissed him when he went to hug her. The next he said “deserved a kiss” and got 2 of them, and the third also brought him a gift. Three audience gifts for him, but none for the rest of the panel. He’s got quite the fan club, it seems!
- Caviezel confirmed that he is not on social media. Chapman claims that he is impersonating him on Facebook and Twitter
They showed us a cool new “here’s what the show is about” clip as well as the aforementioned episode 5 shootout (which you’ll have to wait until next week for):
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS!