Episode 4.03: Wingman
Starting this week, we’re trying something a bit different with Person of Interest. We realized that several of us Nice Girls are huge fans of POI and after we got in an animated chat about it when we were supposed to be getting other tasks accomplished, it occurred to us that Cay shouldn’t have all the fun, and that it would be the perfect show for a round table. So, each week we’ll pick a few key points to discuss and several of us will weigh in our thoughts. We encourage you to add yours in the comments as well. Also let us know what you think about the new format!
1) Fusco and Reese’s new boss, Captain Moreno (Monique Gabriela Curnan)
Cay: I think it’s great to have another good female role on the show. In a lot of ways she’s like the anti-Carter – while she’s quite likeable, she is more of a flawed character right off the bat – trying to quit smoking, surprisingly tolerant of Reese’s way of working, so long as he gets results. I’m not saying she’s not of high moral character, just that she seems like a bit more of a person who looks at the big picture. Carter was always kind of like the team’s Jiminy Cricket, and I don’t see her in that role at this point. I’m very curious to see how her character develops as it seems like they’ve set her up to be recurring.
Karen: I think she’s very different from any other female character we’ve seen on the show so far, which I really like. PoI stays away from stereotypes. That being said, last night in particular I was a little tired of the “where’s Fusco” line on repeat. She had no idea Fusco *wasn’t* on the investigation with John half the time, so why did she ask every time? But again, that was a one-show issue.
2) How about the Machine’s plot to get Finch more tech and money?
Cay: We’ve seen a lot of references to Samaritan and The Machine as being Gods and indeed, all I could think of Finch and Root found the money was “ask and ye shall receive”. It’s interesting to see the Machine continue to actually plot, versus just observe, as it did for the better part of the first three seasons. The idea of two sentient computers with near omniscience literally plotting against each other is such a great premise!
Apparently the Machine also has quite the sense of humor, as well,, because casting Finch as “The Egret” was hilarious. His line about having two moods – calm and furious – was just too perfect.
Karen: That scene with that line was a bit of a ‘Lost‘ memory for me. Gave me shivers. He doesn’t get to play that character often on PoI does he? It’s very interesting seeing him living within a professor’s means – and giving money advice to Shaw. I wonder how much illegal money he’ll put up with. There’s a part of me that’s hoping he’ll get access to his money again, if that’s even possible, but this conundrum is also an interesting twist. I am *not* a huge fan of Root, especially not the “I’m not sure what the next move is” bullcrap, so that part was annoying to me.
3) New lair – awesome, or frickin’ awesome?
Cay: I absolutely love the set for the new batcave – an old train car, deep beneath NYC? Now that’s a hideout, even if it has a rat or two (it is the sewer!). Should only get better now that Finch has a ton of “ill-gotten gains” to fill it with.
Karen: I. LOVE. THE. NEW. LAIR. that is all.
4) The parallels between Andre’s life choices and Fusco’s
Cay: POI is always great at introducing new characters that allow the main characters some self-reflection. This week’s reminded us of Fusco’s past and how a good cop went bad, then redeemed himself. It’s easy to forget that Fusco was not a good guy when we first met him in Season 1.
This week’s episode also offered Kevin Chapman some great opportunities to showcase his comedic acting. There were some great exchanges between Andre and Fusco.
Karen: Seeing more of Fusco is always good. I’ve liked him since day one. Definitely the flip side to John’s coin. Now that they’re working closely together, it’s even better. This episode saw them mostly apart (except for an obligatory kneecapping), but well worth it for the Fusco “Hitch” storyline. Honestly, I find Fusco much less slimy than Andre and his “friend”. I dunno, might’ve been the hipster beards.
5) Favorite scene or line?
Cay: I really enjoyed the scenes in the bar and at the gallery between Fusco and Shaw and their dialogue through their earpieces. I used to hate Shaw, but she’s definitely grown on me, and her and Fusco are very funny together.
Karen: Scene: “What is that the third or fourth guy you kneecapped this month Riley?” (Capt. Moreno) “Fourth Ma’am”. (Reese) “I ‘spose I should give you points for bein’ such a good shot.” (Moreno) *self-satisfied smirk that fades quickly* -Reese
6) On the Nice Girls theme of women on the screen or behind the scenes, this episode was written by Amanda Segel, who also live-tweeted during the East Coast viewing.
Cay: This is her 10th episode writing credit for POI and I think she knocked it out of the park with this one. Multiple intriguing storylines that all ended up coming together at the end. More humor than in most episodes – I had to weed down my list of favorite quotes considerably because it was too long.
Karen: Her episodes are amazing. “Witness” (Elias), “Legacy” (Reese/Carter), “Relevance” (Shaw), “Zero Day” (Decima), “A House Divided” (Collier) – just to name a few. She’s entrusted with ELITE episodes, and while they contain both light & dark humor, they can also be deadly (and I mean deadly) serious. I don’t think there’s a bad writer in the whole room, but her episodes are head & shoulders above the rest IMO – women-centric or not. Although she has introduced Shaw, the pairing of Reese and Carter, and even gotten deeper into Root’s psyche, so female-centric writing is not something she shies away from in any way.
Favorite Quotes:
And try not to shoot anyone for a few days, do you hear me? – Captain Moreno
This is my real life, detective, not some super hero cover identity! – Fusco
Copy that. Ramen and Two Buck Chuck for the rest of the month – Shaw
I’m not cynical, I just know that people are terrible – Fusco
I don’t know how to break it to you, but I’m not a unicorn and rainbows type of guy – Fusco
That’s because I have only two modes, Jerry: calm and furious. It’s the rare person who lives to see the latter – Finch
I was about to close my third case of the day. Wanted to make sure you didn’t die before I got to brag about it – Reese
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesday, 10/9c on CBS!