Life Lessons From ‘THE MIDDLE’
Clearly abc’s comedy “The Middle” resonates with viewers. Now in it’s sixth season and also in syndication on The Hallmark Channel, fans get the opportunity to feel the love all over again.
The characters embody the best and worst of us. Our families, with all their foibles, quirks and mistakes are indeed the ties that bind. No one knows you better than your family and no one can hate or love you more.
In recognition of this circumstance, every couple of weeks we will observe life lessons from ‘The Middle.’
• Sometimes the Universe rewards you for no reason. Three Premium Channels free for a month is indeed a miracle. Angels are singing I’m sure of it!
• Sue ever the optimist, taught us: “People want hope and believe that things are going to work out. If you don’t have hope, you don’t have anything. Hope is a powerful thing. You never know what might come from it.” When life squeezes you, what comes out? Anger, depression, fear? Some would say almost to a fault, to her very core, Sue bleeds hope, optimism and positivity. Perspective is everything in life. Sue’s oddball enthusiasm is catching. I am definitely Team Sue and am going to practice wearing my rose colored glasses way more often!
• Sue also discovers another universal truth. Too much coffee is too much coffee. No wonder I can’t sleep!
• Axl faces a major life dilemma in choosing a major. “No one can tell you. You gotta figure out what you want.” My friends the same goes for all of us . What do you want? What makes you happy? Find you passion people and go with it. There is a great big world out there just waiting for us to show up. Imagine what kind of world we would have if everyone embraced their own awesomeness just like Axl! Every day would be a holiday! Whoo Hoo!
• And, one final lesson about family: “… sometimes you get a fairy tale ending without doing anything at all.” Amen.