ABC Family
Are You Ready for Tonight’s PRETTY LITTLE LIARS fAtal Finale? [Video]
This is it, kids! Tonight is the midseason finale of Pretty Little Liars and it’s going to be fatal! Something big is about to go down but who will it involve? We’ve heard that someone will die, but will it be one of the four Liars? Will it be Ali, herself, once and for all? Will it be one of the boys, Toby or Caleb? Or will it be someone who attached to the girls?
Watching this preview of “Taking This One to the Grave” it also looks like someone is going to be arrested, but for which crime? “It’s all your fault. -A”. What is?
With Alison leading them down a dangerous path and “A” barring them from telling the police the truth, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer feel trapped and are desperate to find a way out of this mess. With nothing else to lose, could the PLLs lose everything by putting their faith in a possibly untrustworthy ally? Meanwhile, Alison begins to build up her own army now that the PLLs have turned their backs on her.
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