ABC Family
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: Promo Clip from Penultimate Episode
With tonight’s episode of Pretty Little Liars, we only have one more week until the summer finale. I haven’t talked much about this show simply because I don’t what to say anymore. It’s still my favorite guilty pleasure on Tuesday night’s but they’ve done such a great job in twisting things up that I just can’t figure anything out anymore. Writing about it here would be tough because my brain is so tangled that I can’t find words that would make sense.
This is a very big “Huzzah!” to the writing staff. The story is always fresh and they don’t tend to repeat situations or character arcs too much, unless it has to do with the girls individually and their dealings with ‘A’ or Ali. Even then, they do a great job in changing things up based on the strengths and weaknesses of each Liar. It’s been fun this season, for instance, to see how one of the girls deals with Ali’s return to Rosewood.
It’s also been fun to get to know Alison Di Laurentis, as much as we are allowed to know her. It seems the more we find out about her, the less we trust her, and the less we really know about her plans.
In tonight’s episode, Melissa finally reveals her secret and I’m not going to lie (ha!), I’ve been on the edge of my seat wanting to know what this secret is. I’ve also been back and forth about Melissa in general. Is everything she’s done really out of love for her family? It has seemed in the past that she’s got her own hateful agenda and now we are to believe that she’s doing what she’s doing out of the love of her blessed heart. We’ll see.
It also looks like another story I’ve been chomping at the bit for might be finally told – Caleb and what happened in Ravenswood. (I’m still smarting over that cancellation.)
From the photos we posted we are also going to meet Mona’s mother. I know, right! She has a mother? I thought she was dropped off by ET!
So 350 words later I guess now would be a good time to share the preview clip from tonight’s episode. Don’t forget to tune into ABC Family at 8/7c, and follow the conversation as you watch with other fans on Twitter. I’ll post the links below for you. And for next week’s finale I’ll be on Twitter with anyone who will join me as I watch the central time (7pm) episode. I am stokified!
Melissa finally tells Spencer what she knows regarding the night Ali disappeared. But what is Spencer supposed to do with the knowledge? Knowing something is off about Alison’s story, Emily is on the hunt for answers on her own. She enlists Ezra’s help in finding out more about Cyrus and his past connection to Alison. Meanwhile, Hanna asks Spencer and Toby for help with Caleb’s drinking problem.
“No One Here Can Love or Understand Me” airs tonight at 8/7c on ABC Family.
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