Comic Con
THE ORIGINALS: Julie Plec and Michael Narducci Talk Season 2 at Comic Con
A couple of weeks ago at San Diego Comic Con, I was lucky enough to sit down with Executive Producer Julie Plec and Co-Executive Producer Michael Narducci to get some scoop about The Originals! After speaking with them I can’t wait for season 2!
Here are a few things I learned:
- Michael said there will be a big confrontation between Klaus, Elijah and their father, he said Davina is going to have to make a decision about what she wants to do about Klaus. Is she willing to risk Michael killing Klaus even though it will kill Marcel and Josh too
- Michael also teased that we will see some new characters in season 2 and maybe some characters will return in a new way (we tried so hard to get him to give us more detail but he stayed tight lipped about it)
- Julie Plec confirmed that we will see Haley’s baby and Rebekah in season
- When asked if we would see Caroline and Klaus together – Julie said it might take some time to get to the right place for them. She said it was definitely a possibility in the length of the series but not in the next 6 months (well at least we know Klaroline still has a chance)
- Julie said they are talking about another crossover with a character from The Vampire Diaries that she would be very excited to see happen, but it is too soon to give any details (Ooh who could it be?)
- Julie said that they have a great storyline for Nathan Parsons so we can look for more Jackson (Yay! Since we won’t see him on True Blood anymore, at least we can see him here)
I asked Julie what the most challenging storyline was for her and she said the hardest part of the first season was the first episode. Because they already did the spin-off episode of The Vampire Diaries and then the network told them they had create a new pilot to introduce this world again because they couldn’t assume people watched The Vampire Diaries, and if they did it wasn’t safe to assume they saw the spin off episode. So re-creating the pilot was a tough nut to crack. Well, Ms. Plec you did a fine job! The pilot of The Originals was one of my favorite episodes last season.
Season 2 of The Originals starts on Monday October 6th on The CW.