Comic Con

ARROW: John Barrowman delights at Comic Con {Video}

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This year’s hypothetical Nice Girls Comic Con awards for “Best Dressed” and “Most Entertaining Interview” would definitely go to John Barrowman if I made the decisions and we actually gave out such awards. Unfortunately we don’t, but he still deserves recognition – he came to the press room dressed to the nines and with enough exuberance to light up the whole room.

It’s hard to be around him and not get caught up with his enthusiasm and general joie de vivre. We pumped him for information about the return of Malcolm Merlyn to Arrow and what it meant for Thea and the rest of team Arrow and he kept us laughing.

Some highlights:

  • He feels strongly that Malcolm was never bad, just misunderstood (of course). Instead of good and bad, he sees “good and misunderstoodgood”.
  • Malcolm and Thea will have “one of the most dysfunctional and amazing relationships” that we’ve ever seen
  • He’s excited to mix it up with Oliver, but not too soon, but that will ruin the suspense ala Ross and Rachel on Friends
  • He has a new album out for those who are interested in his singing career

To give a little context to the beginning of the video, at the panel the night before, the cast had been asked what one person they would want on the island with them, and he had quickly replied “a woman, to cook for me” while the rest of the cast named specific people.

Arrow returns on Wednesday October 8 at 8/7c on The CW

Cay's family thinks her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Normal is boring!