PERSON OF INTEREST: Sneak peek of season 4 [VIDEO]
One of the best things about Comic Con is that it takes place about halfway between the season finales and season premieres of most fall-spring shows. Just when it seems like the shows will never come back on, we get some delicious scoop to keep us going. News is particularly appreciated for POI this year, after season 3 ended with what appears to be a major reboot of the entire series.
What do we have to look forward to? Check out the season 4 trailer below and stay tuned for our coverage of the press room. I was ecstatic to get the privilege to interview the cast and one of the creators, Greg Plageman, so watch for those videos in the next few weeks. (I did my best to actually ask questions rather than just staring at the actors and squealing like a fan girl, although it was a challenge!) They were careful not to let too much slip, but they gave us more than enough to fuel a few weeks’ worth of healthy speculation!
The action goes by pretty fast in the trailer, so you might want to check out the official take on some of the important points of the trailer, and some comments on the panel (which I missed and has not been officially posted online yet).
Person of Interest returns with all new episodes on Tuesday, Sept 23rd at 10/9c on CBS!