THE LAST SHIP: “Phase Six” {Preview}
TNT’s new show, The Last Ship, premieres this weekend and in preparation, and here at NGTV, I had seen the first three episodes of the series.
Without going into too many details of the logistics of the how or why, The Last Ship vaults everyone into a viral pandemic that is has killed nearly the entire world. One doctor, Rachel Scott, and her colleague are working hard on finding a cure, without the knowledge of the Navy Destroyer’s crew.
But as soon as the crew learns of everything involved in their mission, the ship and her crew learn about the real reason for their radio silence for much of the mission.
Trust into a world that is far from what the crew knew when they left, the crew of the USS Nathan James must leave all of their training behind and work with Dr. Scott (Rhona Mitra) to help solve this new global crisis.
While much of the series focuses on Dr Scott, Commander James (Eric Dane) and his XO Slattery (Adam Baldwin), the show is truly an ensemble show. The supporting members of the Nathan James, ranging from various specialized units to the regular crew of any vessel, each had human elements in a world that is drastically different at the end of the first episode from when they left US soil four months before. But in new surroundings, the crew – tired and tried as it is – work together to achieve a new and different mission from when they started.
The Last Ship combines high action with quiet moments for the crew while also raising questions about how and why a virus has managed to do so much damage in so little time. In their quest for answers, the Nathan James travels throughout the world trying to survive and find hope in a challenging new world.
The show premieres this Sunday at 9PM/8PM Central on TNT.