REVOLUTION SERIES FINALE RECAP: All good (violent) things must come to an end
Revolution 2.22 Declaration of Independence
AKA The Revolution Series Finale
Aaron, Priscilla and Rachel
The real Priscilla is enjoying life with her two daughters inside her head while Priscilla nano fights with Rachel and Aaron. They realize that the nano is weakening their grasp on her and Aaron calls for her and she manages to fight the nano off. (I am suddenly having flashbacks to Stephanie’ Meyer’s The Host). Priscilla wakes up and talks with Aaron but then is overcome with a fever.
Later, she wakes up with Aaron at her bedside. She tells him that she saw what the nano was thinking – millions of humans made into drones and it’s looking for people who will help it.
Miles, Monroe, Charlie, Connor, Gene, Neville
Back in Willoughby, Truman tries to gas the entire population in the courthouse while the kids choir ironically sings “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Miles break ins, shoots his gun into the air, and tells the people to run. Panic ensues while Gene, Charlie, and Monroe head upstairs to prevent the release of the gas. They kill Truman’s henchmen, and find Marion’s body, which crushes Gene.
Downstairs, the two Presidents meet with Truman. The US Pres blames him for letting Monroe and Miles escape previously and seems oblivious to the narrowly averted attack. Truman thinks fast and shoots the Texas president, his staff, and everyone else in the room dead. Then he shots himself in the arm – Plan B – they will blame Carver’s death on California, Miles, and Monroe.
Soon after, the President makes a grand speech blaming them and announcing that Texas and the US are going to war with California and is rewarded with chants of “USA.USA”.
Monroe is worried because Connor is out with Neville doing who knows what and he’s regretting being the good guy. He tries to convince Miles to kill the US President. Miles has another idea, though – they’ll kidnap him. He sends Gene to Austin to bring back an acquaintance of his there and then sets out with the others.
Neville also wants to kill the President and no one will get in his way. He and Connor and the leader of the mercenaries plan to ambush the Presidents armored “limo” when it comes by but Miles and Monroe beat them to it.
After kidnapping him, they manage to miraculously escape about three dozen Patriot soldiers. However, they end up having to split up, and Miles sends Monroe out to their meet-up point with the President.
Rachel is thoroughly ticked because she’s sure that Monroe won’t show up and Miles also isn’t convinced.
Gene gets to Austin and the Texas general that Miles knows. The man isn’t impressed but is willing to listen.
Monroe takes the President to a shed and confronts him. The President tries to goad him but Monroe tells him how much he’s looking forward to killing him very slowly. Monroe goes outside to wash up a bit and Connor approaches him. He wants to kill Monroe and thinks it will make it easier for them to get the Republic back but Monroe gave Miles his word that he’d bring the President to the meeting site and he’s not willing to betray his trust. Connor plays the blood card. They disagree, and Neville starts shooting at Monroe.
Monroe tricks them and locks both Connor and Neville in the shed and he and the President head for the meet point.
Charlie, Miles, and Rachel wait at the meet point, doubting that Monroe is going to show up when he does. Rachel is the most surprised and actually thanks him.
Rachel confronts the President – he was her boss’ boss. Rachel’s disgusted with him and is telling him off when suddenly the door is kicked in and a handful of Patriot soldiers storm in and subdue them. They free the President, who can’t help gloating. He tells them of how he’s going to destroy both California and Texas and then he’ll have the whole country back. He orders the soldiers to shoot the traitors but finds the guns on him – the soldiers are the blacksmith from Willoughby and his friends.
In an adjoining room, one of the Texas generals is with Gene and hears the whole thing. He goes back to one of Texas’ military camps with Monroe and they kill all the ranking Patriot commanders, except Truman, who manages to escape by being in the bathroom. Texas declares war on the US, which Monroe figures will mean that Texas will take over the country by the end of the summer as they heavily outnumber the Patriots. Gene, Charlie, and Miles celebrate the victory.
Charlie tells Miles that she thinks that he and Rachel should try to be together and be happy. She regrets that her and Jason never got to explore their relationship and she wants them to be happy now that they have a future.
Truman escapes the camp and soon finds himself visited by some fireflies. Same for the President, and Neville. They all see dead loved ones who tell them to travel to Bradbury, Idaho.
In Bradbury, Idaho, we see a deserted town suddenly come to life with tons of lights and hundreds of people converge on the town square.
***THE END***
My Thoughts:
I’m going to miss this show a lot – it’s been well acted and it was easy to get attached to the characters. There has always been plenty of moral ambiguity, religious undertones, and social commentary to get a viewer really thinking about our world if they wanted to. When so many dramas seeming to resolve around the mystery/crime of the week, it was nice to have a show where you never knew what to expect, a combination western/sci-fi/modern day rather than the typical dramas on TV these days. It’s sad that it really didn’t find it’s audience, especially after a strong first season with its Voice lead-in. That tends to be the challenge with ambitious, unique dramas, though – they can be a lot harder to market on network TV and often times don’t manage to find a big enough audience to keep them viable.
This episode did thankfully provide some closure, a sort of happy ending before the second nano apocalypse. We’ll never know what the nano would have done, but I’m satisfied that Miles, Charlie, and Monroe survived and at least for a while, seem to have found some sort of peace.
With the Lord’s help, Texas will push California into the Pacific where those granola-eating heathens will drown! – President
How do you know?! – Rachel
I’m trying something new. Prayer. – Miles
Want to know what I’m thinking now? – Rachel
Not really. – Miles
Well, have a nice trip! Enjoy all the…torture – Miles
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