REVOLUTION RECAP: Memorial Day, indeed
Revolution 2. 21 Memorial Day
Neville’s got Connor and Monroe has a gun on him, but Tom lets Connor go – he wants to work with Monroe because the Patriots have now killed both his son and wife and he wants revenge.
Miles and Charlie detain a blacksmith working for the Patriots. He’s a friend of Marian’s. The man, Joe, shows them the entire tanker car of mustard gas that the Patriots have.
Marion goes into Truman’s office to bring him lunch and takes the opportunity to search the place. She finds lots of stuff written in Arabic, a picture of the Texas governor, a calendar with the next day’s date circled and more references to mustard gas. Marian tells Miles and Rachel what she saw and they decide that the Patriots are planning on gassing Austin and blaming California for it. Miles decides that they have to steal the train.
Tom (the leader of men) tells Monroe about Miles’ plan and Monroe and Neville decide they want to take the train and use the gas on the Patriots in DC.
Miles asks Marion for some men to help and she brings back Joe and his daughter – he want revenge because the Patriots killed his son…although actually, Miles killed him in Austin to protect the President, which is more than awkward.
Aaron and Priscilla are missing because they are still back at the nano crazy house and Rachel is worried. She goes looking for them while Miles and Charlie plan their train heist. She hears music coming from a large house and approaches it. Aaron comes to the door and tries to get her to leave but of course she won’t. The gas mask guys are there as well as an old woman who has brushed her hair until she bleeds (!). Priscilla warmly welcomes Rachel to “their home” in a way that actually doesn’t seem creepy, which makes her the only thing in the house that isn’t creepy.
Priscilla-nano figures they may as well tell Rachel their secret. Priscilla shows them her “rat room” – where a gazillion rats are all walking around in formation. Apparently that explains all the dead rats Rachel saw outside of Willoughby and the wacko fireflies, as well. The nano wants to make humans like the fireflies and rats and Rachel shows her opinion of this plan by smacking Priscilla-nano across the face. The nano tells Rachel and Aaron that it loves them both…which didn’t stop her from threatening to kill Aaron before, of course.
Charlie and Miles sneak into the train yard in the false bottom of a supply wagon. They attempt to hijack the train but before they can the alarm is sounded. A firefight ensues which of course manages to kill the engineer. Joe is forced to try to drive the steam engine while the gunfire continues. Thankfully, Miles, Gene, and Charlie are much better shots than any of the Patriots. They get the train moving but not before a few Patriots hop on. (Apparently it takes a while to get a steam engine up to speed!).
Back in Willoughby, Marian is having a hard time playing along with Truman. He makes it harder by giving her a necklace and telling her that he loves her.
Connor, Neville, and Monroe wait with Tom at the location where Tom was supposed to help them neutralize the whole car of gas. Connor asks Neville what the deal is between Miles and Monroe but Neville also doesn’t get it. Connor decides that Miles is standing between him and Monroe getting the Republic back.
Miles and Charlie shoot all the Patriots that managed to board the train and they celebrate their victoryThe train arrives and Monroe and Connor are waiting with guns. Miles is surprised to see Neville. Monroe tries to get Miles to join them in their mission to DC. Neville then tries to kill Charlie but both Monroe and Miles come to her rescue. They remind him that the Patriots killed Jason, not Charlie. In the scuffle, a gun goes off and hits the tanker. Miles realizes that the tank is empty.
Back in Willoughby, the townfolk are at a choir at the courthouse celebrating [ironically] Memorial Day with a bunch of Texas Rangers as guests…and the Texas Rangers…and the US President. Of course the entire place is rigged with all the mustard gas ready to go through the vents.
Priscilla-nano goes out for more test subjects and Rachel tries to figure out a plan to stop her. Aaron tries to explain to Rachel that the nano is almost like God. Rachel assures him that they can stop the nano.
Priscilla comes back with a woman and Rachel chases her off. They try to electrocute the nano by flooding the kitchen floor and plugging in an electric plug as she steps into the room. Nice try, but it just makes the nano mad.
Miles and Charlie head back to the town to try to help and they convince Monroe to go along. Connor refuses, however.
The Presidents use the opportunity to blame California (and Miles and Monroe) for all their problems. Marion sees Truman signal to one of his men and follows the man. She sees all the mustard gas upstairs but is caught by Truman. He tells her that he loves her and then stabs her. Truman and his man prepare the mustard gas.
My Thoughts:
This was really an exciting episode that is setting the stage for a crazy finale. Too bad it will be the series finale and not just the season finale. Even if Miles and Monroe get to Willoughby in time, we can assume the body count will likely rise. It was sad to lose another character that I was growing fond of, but it was inevitable from as soon as we found out that Gene loved her and that she was involved with Truman.
I wonder whether Connor’s dissension will be an issue in the finale, or if it was meant as set-up for something in an expected season 3.
It’s hard to remember that Aaron and Rachel and the nano were the whole reason why everything went so bad in the world in the beginning. I’d love to think that Rachel will finally save the world, but we can assume that’s not going to happen unless they did some last minute scrambling to give us some closure after the show’s cancellation (which I haven’t heard). I guess I’ll be satisfied if Rachel, Miles, and Charlie are still alive at the end of the series.
Memorable Quotes:
Make Sherman’s March look like a 10k fun run – Neville
Well, that all adds up to awful – Miles
You had me at mustard gas – Neville
Being a good guy sucks. – Charlie
It really does. -Miles
It’s been a weird month – Aaron
You’re my damn science project! – Rachel
Watch the series finale of Revolution next Wednesday at 8/7c on NBC.