THE GOOD WIFE – 5.20 ‘The One Percent’ Jealousy Is Unbecoming

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TGW5.20_duoAlicia gets collateral pie when her new client takes one in the face. This event was a foretelling of what was to come for the two when dealing with the media over the next few days. Foot- in-mouth disease in today’s easily slighted society proves troublesome when the media is involved. Mr. Canning paid for his blundering to the tune of one million dollars, up from one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

I FREAKING LOVE Kalinda getting one up on Louis Canning and startling him, not once, but twice! That little ferret is up to something, and I can’t wait to see him go down in flames! You know things are bad when Louis partners up with Captain Underpants, Harry Lyman. Go Howie! If Louis thinks he can control the aging partner, he’s sadly mistaken.

When Diane discovers the truth that Canning is the one torpedoing her at the office, you know what they say about a woman scorned. Oh, Louis! I’m gonna need popcorn to watch your demise! This is gonna be fun!

TGW_elisSpeaking of flames , Eli was right;  the State’s Attorney shows up at Peter’s office with an image of Polmar exiting Alicia’s apartment, implying impropriety. Peter was practically breathing fire!  It is cute to see Peter becoming all out of sorts with the hint of infidelity regarding Alicia. How does the other shoe fit on your foot, Cinderella?

• Peter’s previous weaknesses might come back to bite him him the form of a ginger haired intern.
• It was cool to see Eli reveal his well hidden heart for a change when speaking with Alicia.

• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at