REVOLUTION RECAP: Miles’ very bad day
Episode 2:18 S$%t Happens
Miles, Charlie, Monroe, and Connor head out of Austin but are followed by a number of Texas Rangers. Miles doesn’t want to kill the men, so they all split up and Miles stays with the wagon while Monroe, Charlie and head back to Willoughby. Miles tries to outrun the men, but his wagon runs over an old car bumper (ironically with a bumper sticker that says “S$%t happens”) and he’s thrown.
He is quickly surrounded by Rangers and tries to get them to talk and to convince them that he was saving the President, not trying to kill him. They act aggressively and he’s forced to kill them all. The first 6 he shoots cleanly, but gets in a knife fight with the leader, sustaining a serious stab wound in his abdomen.
Back at the camp, Priscilla-nano is making Aaron help her experience various human experiences such as 80s one-hit-wonders, pizza, etc. Charlie and Monroe arrive and when they realize that Miles hasn’t arrived yet, Charlie, Rachel and Monroe go back from him.
Meanwhile, as if Miles wasn’t having a bad enough day, he falls through a floor in an old ruined house and then is trapped when another wall collapses. He tries to escape but isn’t very successful, so he builds a fire and uses it to heat his sword to cauterize his stab wound.
Aaron appeals to Priscilla to help them find Miles, but she doesn’t think he’s worth saving because he had dark “notions” when they appeared to him a while back and probed his mind. Turns out that weird scene from many episodes ago with him and the burning shed was a nano-dream.
Charlie, Monroe, and Rachel split up at an intersection in the road. Charlie soon has a visitor – Neville – and he wants to know what happened to Jason. She tells him that she doesn’t know where Jason is. Neville wants her to take him to their camp, where he thinks Jason is. Neville disparages Jason and Charlie defends him.
Rachel and Monroe end up at the ruins where Miles is trapped, but he’s unconscious and doesn’t hear them. Later in the day, they find Miles’ coat, covered in blood and Rachel fears the worst, but Monroe assures her that he’s still alive.
Charlie leads Neville to a deserted house and she finally tells him that Jason is dead. He blames Monroe and is going to use Charlie to lure Rachel, Monroe, and Miles and then kills them. Charlie tells him that it was her, but he doesn’t believe her but she tells him that the Patriots read his number and he changed. She killed him when he tried to kill her. She tried to warn him but he doesn’t listen and she hates herself for it.
She tells Neville to just get it over with and kill her. He puts the gun to her head and pulls the trigger, but he’s out of ammo. He collapses to his knees and Charlie leaves.
Two days later, Charlie, Rachel and Monroe are ready to go out again to look for Miles. Connor tries to dissuade Charlie but she explains that she is getting a second chance after nearly dying and she’s realized that she wants to live and wants Miles to be with her.
Aaron begs Priscilla-nano to find Miles but she refuses and tells him that if he brings it up again she’ll kill Priscilla and his other friends and insists that he make her pizza (which sounds like a multi-day job!)
Meanwhile, Miles is still trapped and pondering killing himself. We finally see a flashback to his entire nano dream. They visited him as Ben, who accuses him of being a drunk and tells him he’ll fail Charlie and Rachel. They show him a vision of dead Rachel and the appearance that he killed her, so he torches the place and leaves.
Miles thinks about Rachel and decides he’s not ready to die. Using some gunpowder, a motivational poster of a cat, and other junk he finds in his basement prison, he sets the ceiling on file and blows a hole through the wall trapping him and then slowly drags his way to the light.
My Thoughts:
I couldn’t figure out the burning shed scene months ago, it seemed so incongruous and it wasn’t clear whether it was real or not. Glad to finally find out that it was a nano-dream. Speaking of nano, what a turn for the dark side! How do you fight an enemy that has all the power (literally) and can seemingly alter reality? I wonder if this was the plan for the nano from day one or if the plot just drifted in this direction over time.
This episode did a great job of giving Miles and Charlie fresh perspectives. Unfortunately, with cancellation looming, we may never get to see them do much with their new leases on life.
Memorable Quotes:
I’m starting to think that this is the finest song ever written! – Priscilla-nano