Sorry this a little late. Catching up after WonderCon isn’t as easy as imagined some years.
Weird Medical Case of the Week: Brick has to deal with Wanda, who is having horrible reactions to some medication to help her ovulate as she and Tom try to get pregnant. That’ll play into a few of the other plotlines later.
Harley also breaks his arm just as Vivian and Zoe are discussing Vivian’s future with Wade or Charles. While helping at the hospital, Zoe sees how much a family they are, and leaves before it becomes more obvious that Vivian will choose Charles and not Wade.
Town Gossip: Lemon, dearest, just because Fancy’s got an A- from the health inspector doesn’t mean you need to “fix” the health inspector. This can’t end well. All the health inspector, May, needs is a partner for ballroom competition and that doesn’t go as Lemon plans either. Brick and May look amazing dancing together, but a medical emergency is going to keep him from attending the competition. Lemon comes to the rescue again, though, and comes dressed in a suit to take May to the competition. Having placed 7th in the competition, May agrees to reinspect Fancy’s; too bad George and his date are also there and they’re making a mess of the kitchen.
With Levan having made an idiot of himself to Annabeth, the Belles are no longer performing at his Roast, and hosting their own event to compete. But both groups will need Tom Long to do the lights if either event wants to succeed. Both Annabeth and Levan work really hard to convince Tom to do the lighting, giving both of them are “I need to think about it” when Tom is trying to relax to get busy later that night. Wanda, annoyed at all of the stress Tom was put under, says that neither group will perform if Tom can’t get busy with their plans tonight. That also turned out to be Brick’s medical emergency, and Annabeth and Levan both agree to do the show together to avoid making Tom more stressed when he needs to be less stressed.
Relationship Drama: Last week ended with so many awkward relationship moments that this week has to resolve them. Or try to.
Wade’s calling Vivian because he’s unsure of what is going on with them. He tells Zoe everything and she agrees to help get to the bottom of Vivian’s cold shoulder. Turns out Zoe was right to get into Wade’s business because Vivian had said that Charles has feelings for her again and wants to start again. That fifteen years of history that Wade probably can’t compete with right now. It doesn’t take long for Wade to see Vivian and fight for her after Zoe gives away the secret, and Vivian doesn’t seem at all upset that Zoe broke her confidence. Wade feels that his demonstration was good enough, but Zoe goes to see Vivian the next day and finds out that Charles has a great job offer in Baton Rogue and Charles wants Vivian and Harley to move there with him. When Zoe delivers the bad news, and Wade doesn’t take it well. He’s frustrated at Zoe for not fighting for him harder, but even seeing Harley happy at the idea of being with his dad again isn’t enough to make Wade feel better for losing Vivian.
George, when is it ever a good idea to talk to the Reverend about your relationship issues? Especially when that ends with a quasi-blind date. This introduction as a prelude to a date is about three kinds of awkward, but with the Reverend out of the room, George has a better idea that it might serve as a good distraction. Their date found them kicked out of two clubs, and so they go to Fancy’s for some food after all her tequila. His date and fun at Fancy’s ends up getting the restaurant a C. George can’t even be more than annoyed at Lemon for her rant against him.