THE GOOD WIFE – 5.19 ‘Tying The Knot’ Erotic Deaths, Bong’s & Politics
There’s a kerfuffle….Alicia is at Mr. Sweeney’s orgy ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ engagement party, Zach’s on Gawker with a bong, Finn Polmar is being railroaded by the States Attorney, while some chick hangs herself upstairs.
It appears a death surrounding Mr. Sweeney is deja vu with Alicia and this death comes with a twist literally. Upon investigation it is uncovered that Colin, his fiancé Renata and the recently deceased Morgan engaged in shibare.
Diane is tasked with defending Renata as Alicia has to excuse herself due to the fact she is a potential witness for the prosecution. Diane uses her knowledge of Alicia’s behavior to her favor on the stand and played her like a fiddle in getting the case dropped due to insufficient evidence.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Eli is frothing at the mouth trying to get a handle on “The Bong Incident” and is asking Alicia to sort things out with her son. In true Owen style fuel is added to the fire when, Alicia’s brother is captured on camera adding his opinion to the mix. Owen and Alicia confront Zach in an odd intervention of sorts when it is suggested that her son is lying about the pot. Ah! The plot thickens! I loved it when Zach expertly turned the tables on Alicia with the “Bill and Hillary” comment!
Finn Polmar continues to have a bullseye painted on his back and Alicia formats a plan to save his job. Run for States Attorney. Castro wouldn’t be able to fire Finn if he runs for office. He doesn’t have to actually campaign, just file the paperwork. Brilliant! Until…..Castro goes slithering to Peter requesting his endorsement and Peter smells a rat. Peter does the unexpected and endorses Finn! Now we’re cooking with gas! I can’t wait to see this tangle play itself out!
• I wonder how many people searched online for Colin’s porn star match glasses after this episode along with the term ” shibare.”
• Did anyone want a further explanation on Renata’s theory of women with three syllable names?
• Quote of the night: “It’s not a torture chamber. Sometimes we put flowers in there!” Well, the flowers make all the difference in the world!
• I love it when Eli throws a tantrum. It gives me the warm and fuzzies.
• The chilling confession of what actually happened to Morgan by Renata was so well delivered I was captivated despite my revulsion. I’ve a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Colin Sweeney. Here’s to hoping Alicia’s next interaction with the couple will be when the new wifey kills Mr. Sweeney.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com